Odd problem Connecting to WiFi
I realized yesterday that my Mogul would not connect to infrastructure access points. I really only have been using wifi for WMWifiRouter which does still work. I had some trouble connecting to EVDO yesterday for a few min and since i was at home flipped on the wifi switch expecting to connect to my home network which has worked in the past just fine. Well after a few min waiting to acquire an IP address I decided to try my neighbors wireless thinking maybe there was something going on with my router and a reboot was in order but no luck there either.
After backing up everything using sprite I hard reset my phone just to test it and of cource it worked flawlessly connecting to my router. So I figure it is a program or registry setting messing it up right? Well anyway I did a customized restore from sprite and chose not to restore any of the system setting (i.e. registery) and the wifi still worked. Not content to stop there I hard reset again and did a full restore and started diving into the registry looking to find something that may be messing up my phone. I dont know if anyone else has had any similar problems or not but if anyone has any suggestions as far as what it might be your assistance would be appreciated.
Either that or it may be infact time for that hard-reset and manual rebuild again.