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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2008, 02:13 PM
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I think D-day is here

My phone is starting to go haywire on me.. "programs" isn't even listed on my menu anymore and programs after install wont even run. So it looks like I am going to have to do a hard reset. All my hard work to get it exactly how I wanted it goes down the drain. Im out of town so i will have to wait till i get home to get it back to how I want it. The battery tweaks will be gone... So on a so forth.. I dont think I can commit to it yet though. It too scared.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2008, 02:31 PM
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Do you have all your info backed up? It's not always so bad to hard reset. Remember back in the day when you wanted to reinstall Windows every year to clean out junk and avoid bit-rot? I can't imagine it's any different with a mobile Windows machine. Think of it not so much as an end but as a new beginning! A chance to get the newest versions of the programs you use and to skip installing the ones you never use. A chance to install the newest and best ROM. It sucks but it's at worst a day of tweaking and playing around which I imagine you like doing to some extent if you frequent boards like this
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2008, 02:57 PM
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Actaully I'm about to hard reset myself-

New to PPC so when I got the phone lst month I started trying every program known to man -laughing- now i know what I want so I want to hard reset to clean up all the install leftovers and then just install from scratch.

One thing I'm not clear about though is activesync(or whatever vista calls it)- I had palm OS for many years prior to my 6800- the palm syn tool actually backs up some crap on your pc and so when you hard reset it will try to reinstall much of the crap and some of the registry like settings. On the palm os you would have to nuke the partnership before you sync after the hard reset. Do I need to do that with windows mobile?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2008, 03:00 PM
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Not sure. I just sync contacts and calendar.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2008, 03:13 PM
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Originally Posted by michaelk View Post
Actaully I'm about to hard reset myself-

New to PPC so when I got the phone lst month I started trying every program known to man -laughing- now i know what I want so I want to hard reset to clean up all the install leftovers and then just install from scratch.

One thing I'm not clear about though is activesync(or whatever vista calls it)- I had palm OS for many years prior to my 6800- the palm syn tool actually backs up some crap on your pc and so when you hard reset it will try to reinstall much of the crap and some of the registry like settings. On the palm os you would have to nuke the partnership before you sync after the hard reset. Do I need to do that with windows mobile?
No, activesync wont try to reinstall anything on your device. It will reset the partnership. But before u hard reset, you might wanna back up your contacts, messages etc. PPCPIMBackup is a good freeware program for that
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2008, 03:17 PM
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Originally Posted by iamjfarrell View Post
My phone is starting to go haywire on me.. "programs" isn't even listed on my menu anymore and programs after install wont even run. So it looks like I am going to have to do a hard reset. All my hard work to get it exactly how I wanted it goes down the drain. Im out of town so i will have to wait till i get home to get it back to how I want it. The battery tweaks will be gone... So on a so forth.. I dont think I can commit to it yet though. It too scared.
A hard reset isn't the worse as long as you have your stuff backed up which should be a first priority in the world of ppc. Those tweaks and whatnot shouldn't be too hard to find again, I have all those memorized now lol. Actually a hard reset is beneficial once you get it the way you want it. You test out all the programs you want, see what works and what doesn't and then once you find out what u want, you do a hard reset to remove any junk left over by uninstalled programs and just reinstall what u want
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2008, 06:04 PM
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i think most of the stuff is on my computer at home.. I dont have anything to important on there. I just use Point and if i reset now I will have to go back to normal.. i think it will be all gravy.. Do I lose contacts?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2008, 06:56 PM
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Originally Posted by neodorian View Post
Do you have all your info backed up? It's not always so bad to hard reset. Remember back in the day when you wanted to reinstall Windows every year to clean out junk and avoid bit-rot? I can't imagine it's any different with a mobile Windows machine. Think of it not so much as an end but as a new beginning! A chance to get the newest versions of the programs you use and to skip installing the ones you never use. A chance to install the newest and best ROM. It sucks but it's at worst a day of tweaking and playing around which I imagine you like doing to some extent if you frequent boards like this
haha thats great! and totally true!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2008, 10:48 PM
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The only bad thing about hard resetting now that I have a XV6800, is that now I don't have a kitchen built with all of my apps in the ROM. So, I'd have to manually reinstall and set everything back up.....I can't wait for someon to come out with a kitchen for the Mogul. I LOVED my XV6700 with the helmi_c kitchen!!!!

The other bad thing about doing a hard reset if you're on Verizon, is that the word is now you have to call them every time you do a hard reset for them to allow your phone to be reactivated....at least thats the word....haven't had to do it yet. Wouldn't surprize me a bit though.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2008, 11:08 PM
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Originally Posted by bradleyem View Post
The only bad thing about hard resetting now that I have a XV6800, is that now I don't have a kitchen built with all of my apps in the ROM. So, I'd have to manually reinstall and set everything back up.....I can't wait for someon to come out with a kitchen for the Mogul. I LOVED my XV6700 with the helmi_c kitchen!!!!

The other bad thing about doing a hard reset if you're on Verizon, is that the word is now you have to call them every time you do a hard reset for them to allow your phone to be reactivated....at least thats the word....haven't had to do it yet. Wouldn't surprize me a bit though.

I just did the hard reset I was talking about above with my VZ 6800 and no funny phone call to get reactivated was needed on my account. No idea why not.

Also- I'm off to go search but maybe someone in this thread answers quicker than I can find.

I'm a long time POS (that's palm os but that could be the POS you are thinking of- LOL) guy so I'm still learning the memory system, ram, rom, extended rom, etc. I didn't realize i could stop that extended rom customization right after the hard reset- I dont think there's anything in there I need- so would it be best before i go tweaking my heart out to do another hard reset and then stop that extended rom customization from running? And then set up my toy like i want.
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