Originally Posted by michaelk
Actaully I'm about to hard reset myself-
New to PPC so when I got the phone lst month I started trying every program known to man -laughing- now i know what I want so I want to hard reset to clean up all the install leftovers and then just install from scratch.
One thing I'm not clear about though is activesync(or whatever vista calls it)- I had palm OS for many years prior to my 6800- the palm syn tool actually backs up some crap on your pc and so when you hard reset it will try to reinstall much of the crap and some of the registry like settings. On the palm os you would have to nuke the partnership before you sync after the hard reset. Do I need to do that with windows mobile?
No, activesync wont try to reinstall anything on your device. It will reset the partnership. But before u hard reset, you might wanna back up your contacts, messages etc. PPCPIMBackup is a good freeware program for that