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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2007, 11:52 AM
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from what I understand he can get his phone to work on the vzw network. he needs to get his esn added to the DMD and then he is good to go . . after flashing with the right radio and PRL. is this right?
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2007, 01:51 AM
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lol, NAY SAYER!!!!!! hahahaha if we all listened to Nancy Negitive's we would be living under the King's rule and BELIEVING that the world is flat, that people can't fly.... oh and that computers will never be smaller than a room, will never need more than 512 MB of hard drive space and 64Mb of ram, and that computers will NEVER be small enough to fit in your hand and connect to the world via a world wide network of other peoples PC's...... don't get me wrong OffUrRcker, I mean nay sayers do have a place in the world, and we thank you and people like you for giving us, the pioneers and plain old guys with guts, the motivation to press on, if for nothing else, but just to prove you wrong! After all, isnt the drive to make that which cannot happen, happen anyways, what led all of us to the technology that brought all of us here to this very forum? Or are you running a bone stock bag phone, with a newspaper, and snail mail to come here looking to discourage others? Or did someone else's determination lead to a working, portable, personal internet computer that brought you here? I guess some lead and some follow, and some stay behind whining about how they didn't get to go. What I am trying to say is DUDE, CHILL! Even if you KNOW that something isn't possible, who exactly are you to tell someone that they can't do it?
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2007, 05:02 AM
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I see no reason to tell him not to try. Certainly warning him is ok,but at this point I think he gets it. If I had the info for him,I would certainly try to help but Im on sprint. Ive heard that Alltel will also activate random phones. The post I read said that if you tell them its not one of theirs,they wont do it,but if you tell them it is,they dont really check. I have to wonder if Verizon might be the same way. I suggest you tell Verizon if they question it that you got the phone from a geeking looking guy standing outside your building with a big crowd of people in hardhats. Thats should convince them.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2007, 06:10 AM
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After everything ive stated in the prior post, is thier still a question as to can it be done?
I wish the person who started this thread would do a quick post as to if he ever got things worked out and his phone on verizon. Because if he didnt ill will personally get him setup in under 30min. And if there is ANYONE out there that still believes or thinks that u cant get a sprint mogul activated on a Verizon network, u are just plain living in pure ingnorance and have no business posting your stupidity about the subject. My dad just bought a sprint mogul for a cool $150 and doesnt like sprint and wants evdo, so he didnt want to use cricket. So in about a 1/2 hr of making a couple of changes my dad now uses a sprint mogul on the verizon network, And i dont care what u verizon employees who post on this thread have to say, because it has been done by me so personally. U want me to post stupid EPST pics, ill do it. All u have to do is call verizon and say hey, i no longer am under contract with sprint and would like to have service thru you (Verizon). They will say hold on let me get u to (i forgot what they called them) but anyways they take your esn and some info and also help with getting your MSL if u didnt have it. ITS money to them, they have said that they will take phones from other carriers and now provide service, so this is the end of this. for god sake, And Master(whatever your screen name is) if u need help still just PM me and i will get u taken care of, no charge or anything like that, just trying to help a fellow mogul owner out. ok ive said all im ever going to say about this/ this is my final post to this thread.
happy new year to all
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2007, 12:35 PM
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As of now this isnt possible. I tried activating my mogul on the vzw network with no go. vzw doesnt have its esn in the database. BUT I can tell you that I have before activatied a Alltel Moto E815, Moto Razr, and LG 8600 on the vzw network and they work fine minus the getitnow stuff. Just thought I would let you know that u can sneak some in there. I get paid more when I dont lose money on the phone so.....I do what I can.

Edit: That was before they released the xv6800....hang on I will try it again and report back. Just remembered that.

Edit 2: Still no go Eros kicks out a no info found and not E911 compliant or can be activated on the vzw network. Wish I knew what department ur talkin about bunvilla. And if not how do I get it added to the database? Will this work with other phones 2? Hmmm we are talking $$$ here. Hmmmm...I gotta find out.

Please read this before posting.

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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2007, 02:46 PM
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I think timing is the key, what i mean is that when verizon didnt have the mogul they might not have been allowing that phone. HERES THE CATCH; When they said that they will be allowing other phones from different carriers to be on their network, they didnt say they would allow different MODELS of phones from other carriers to be allowed/ so if u have a phone , lets say for example the mogul (hee hee) since they to have the same model available, they could put u on the same plan that they have for thier current members with that phone/ It would not go well telling someone that has a mogul from lets say Sprint(like my dad does) that they have to buy the same exact phone but from them (verizon) So what verizon is doing, is allowing phones that they have a model of to be added to thier network , it didnt have to come from them but i got the impression that they had to have the same model available also. i hope that makes sense/ so before they came out with the mogul, and i would have tried getting my dads phone activated with them it might not have worked.
so bottom line is there is some interpretation as to "allowing ANY phone to be added to verizon. probably not everyphone will be accepted. couldnt get insurance by them for my dads phone and they where puzzled as to how i got thier VXZ ROM version on my dads phone. they dont know about the titanunlocker and started to tell me about some issues that might arise because ithey thought i had sprints ROM still on phone, it made it real simple for them having flashed thier ROM on my dads phone ahead of time . all they had to do was just add the esn to their network and we were good to go. I didnt give away our secret , so i left them kind of puzzeled as to how I was able to put thier rom on my dads sprint phone
go to go to work, hopefully i made a lil sense and cleared a few things up .
catch u all later

Last edited by bunvilla; 12-30-2007 at 02:51 PM.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2008, 02:12 AM
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i got it to work..haha i didnt think this thread would ever get so big...but thanks to every1 who tried to help!
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2008, 02:25 AM
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Originally Posted by mastermayhm069 View Post
i got it to work..haha i didnt think this thread would ever get so big...but thanks to every1 who tried to help!
Care to enlighten us as to how you did it?

The point of these forums is to share information, not laugh about accomplishing something to rub it in others faces
I'm a flashing junkie. (the first step is admitting you have a problem)
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2008, 07:54 PM
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What bugs me most about this thread is bunvilla's insistence that the EPST pictures wouldn't help anything. No, they wouldn't help you get it on Verizon's network (since they opened their doors to foreign ESNs, all it's going to take is a ##PRL[#] to get it working on Verizon's network), but they would help you get features like EVDO working.

You got your PocketPC working on Cricket. Do you have data working? If so, the reason that you do is because somebody told you the correct PST settings. The OP was looking for those PST settings for Verizon and screenshots of the EPST screens would be dead giveaways.

PS: Cricket does have EVDO.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2008, 11:56 PM
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tech any cdma phone can work on vzw network, its a matter of getting the esn in the system, along with a few other things. as far as getting an esn into the system it comes down to who you know, lol. though you are right about getting GIN to work(non pda) or EVDO. And as far as vzw allowing other carriers phones onto the network, i was under the immpression that its ANY model, as long as its cdma, but i guess only time will tell. . .
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