OK- here's a question I haven't seen discussed here:
I flashed up to 2.17 (from 2.0 on Monday. I used to have two VoiceSpeedDial Apps/Icons in the Settings/System directory (If I remember right one was called VoiceSpeedDial and the other was VoiceSpeedDial Switch or something similar). In 2.17 I don't have either. I didn't let the Sprint customizations run, but I didn't let them run on 2.08 either. Does anyone else have these? I never used it, so it wouldn't be a big deal except. . . When I try to run David Mays' BT Audio application (to open the audio gateway), it now opens the VoiceSpeedDial, then errors out and doesn't open the gateway. Anyone experience similar issues? It worked fine on the old ROM. |
newb quesiton...i have spb backup and have backed up my phone before upgrading rom. after i upgrade rom, can i then run backup or will that not work because there is a new rom?
Nope, I skipped the customization all around. I just ran the bare bones install. In fact, I've never let the Sprint stuff install on this phone, so I honestly don't even know what's all in there -- but I know that I have no use for the Music Store.