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  #221 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2007, 04:46 PM
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Originally Posted by greencat View Post
Thanks - The reason I ask is because Iwas planning on buying a Holux 1200.
Careful - don't make assumptions. Ask the poster what "its not real gps, but it works just fine" really means. An external GPS may be the right choice for you.
  #222 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2007, 05:48 PM
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I heard that Sprint disabled the margarita blender function on the Mogul... that really pisses me off.

Happy Thanksgiving folks
  #223 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2007, 06:01 PM
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IMO, buy a bluetooth gps, they aren't that much, and they work great. Yes it's something extra you have to carry around in your car or whatever, but for that little pain, you never have to worry about if the phone comes with GPS or not, or if Sprint / whoever are going to even enable the GPS to work.
  #224 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2007, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Tenny View Post
IMO, buy a bluetooth gps, they aren't that much, and they work great. Yes it's something extra you have to carry around in your car or whatever, but for that little pain, you never have to worry about if the phone comes with GPS or not, or if Sprint / whoever are going to even enable the GPS to work.
Yeah I agree.
Dedicated GPSs are better anyway, I would never look to my cell phone to do this. (All IMHO)

Rev .A & stability is the real candy here.
  #225 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2007, 10:14 PM
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Originally Posted by TC1 View Post
I heard that Sprint disabled the margarita blender function on the Mogul... that really pisses me off.

Happy Thanksgiving folks

No wonder I can only make Daiquiris.....ARG
  #226 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2007, 06:05 AM
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lol I didn't get TC's post until I read your's. I thought he really was talking about a feature! /slow
  #227 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2007, 12:09 PM
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I predict....

HTC/Sprint will release the ROM today while we're all under the influence of too much turkey, wine and beer. BT will indeed work... but we'll never notice the fact it's now running iPhone OS.

Hey... I'm busy cooking so I need to amuse myself
  #228 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2007, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Tenny View Post
IMO, buy a bluetooth gps, they aren't that much, and they work great. Yes it's something extra you have to carry around in your car or whatever, but for that little pain, you never have to worry about if the phone comes with GPS or not, or if Sprint / whoever are going to even enable the GPS to work.
This is great advice for next time. However, what if I bought a GPS unit that didn't work? Wouldn't you be pissed if that happened? Suppose I bought a TomTom and it didn't work. Then TomTom said they'd release a new ROM some day to fix it? Would that be even remotely acceptable?

Well, that's exactly what happened with the mogul. It was advertised as having GPS. I *did* buy a GPS!
  #229 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2007, 11:55 PM
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Um... The Mogul is a PDA. Its purpose is mainly for you to make calls on and have a tool to organize your life on. Send email, surf the web...blah blah blah. Using the example of TomTom is a bad one because a TomTom's sole purpose is navigation. The Mogul isn't. All of its other features work...maybe not to your liking, but they work.

But if you want to use the TomTom example, how about this? If you got a TomTom and found out that the GPS didn't work on it and that the manufacturers were going to release a rom "someday" to make it active, then why would you keep it if the sole purpose of you buying it was the GPS? All of us, by keeping the Mogul past the 30 days accepted the fact that we were willing to wait for this update. I don't know about you, but I tried the GPS stuff right when I got home and was well aware that it wasn't up and working yet. But I liked the other features on my phone that I was willing to wait. If not having GPS is bugging you so much, then why didn't you return it when you figured out it didn't have it?

I get everyone being mad about spending so much money on a phone and everything not going to plan, but bitching on here is not going to solve anything. I think folks did a good job informing Sprint and HTC of all the crap we've gone through with the phone that they are basically pushing an update...hopefully a good one...for the phone. And it's not like the folks are sitting on their asses trying to get around to GPS whenever they feel like it. Sprint makes money off the whole GPS deal. They can charge you for a higher internet plan if your phone is enabled with it. If it makes the company money then why not try and get it out as soon as possible.

But hey, I'm sure folks will curse me to the high heavens for my post. But I am completely with the people who say that everyone was in love with this phone before 2.16 came out. After that, people just kind of killed the forum with complaints. I'm surprised I haven't heard any, "I'm switching to Verizon"
  #230 (permalink)  
Old 11-23-2007, 12:43 AM
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Originally Posted by JeffdaBeat View Post
... people who say that everyone was in love with this phone before 2.16 came out.
In fact, that is not at all correct - many people were quite upset with lack of BT audio, broken keyboard, alarm bug...

... and this was being posted on numerous forums.

2.16 made it worse, but it did NOT cause it.
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