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  #201 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2009, 07:33 PM
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Re: Tutorial: USB DUN with "Wireless Modem" app on HTC Mogul

See Post Below For current Roms, as our menu's have changed

Last edited by VizionForever; 05-06-2009 at 08:31 PM.
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  #202 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2009, 08:27 PM
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Talking Re: Tutorial: USB DUN with "Wireless Modem" app on HTC Mogul


aT TIMES THIS THREAD MAY SEEM CONFUSING IF YOU GET TO THE STEP WHERE YOU CHOOSE setting pam PAM OR SPRINT PCS VISION SKIP TO THE bottom and work in reverse, THE TWO PHONES i DID THIS ON WERE A 6.0 AND A 6.1 with the newest radio versions etc... as of this date 05/2009 BOTH phones WORK GREAT AND DIAL UP UNATTENDED using the htc modem driver, FOR THOSE OF YOU WISHING TO HAVE SUCH FUNTIONALITY like me THANKS AGAIN TalynOne you da man!
Installing the Dial-up Networking Through Bluetooth Under WM5 AKU3 / WM6 Hack
  1. From the Bluetooth DialUp Access folder in the attached .zip file, install WM6_BT_DUN.cab into main memory on your device.
  2. After installation, soft reset your device
Enabling PAM (Phone as Modem) Connection
  1. You must first have the MSL number for your phone. The MSL unlock code is used for programming your phone yourself, and is unique for every phone. You can retrieve the MSL for your phone by using the GetSPC application. It's essentially a keygen that calculates what the MSL should be from the hexadecimal ESN (case-sensitive). You can download it from HERE. Otherwise you can call Sprint technical support, tell them you're a developer, and you need the MSL number for your phone.(Dont use getspc 2003 use the Other one for current sprint roms... it will give you the Right MSl)
  2. Open up your dialer, and dial in ##3282#
  3. A window should open, select Edit
  4. top left should say epst and unlock code ( run get spl (not 2003) after getting your Hex # from under battery, Use appropriate CASE when entering hex; GET 6 DIGIT RESULT) Enter in your MSL from step 1, and press the OK button (left softkey)
  5. Select the line that has the value MIP_Mode under the Item column
  6. Press the Menu button (right softkey) and choose Edit
  7. Change the value from from Mobile IP Only to Mobile IP Preferred
  8. Press the OK button (left softkey) and soft reset when it tells you to.
Setting PAM (Phone As Modem) as the default dial-up connection ( I had to go to program files ICS to get drop down radio box to select)
  1. Go to Start->Settings->"Connections" tab
  2. Select the "Connections" applet
  3. On the "Tasks" tab, select "Manage existing connections"
  4. On the "Modem" tab, make sure the "Phone as Modem" radio button is selected
  5. Press "OK" to save your changes
Disabling NAI/Tethering Detection (hopefully) (resco is a cab reg edit Program and can edit your registry on the phone, download it and its regedit snapin run both cabs on phone and regedit will be in your Programs folder.
Using a registry editor, navigate to the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\OEM\WModem" key, and set the "CheckProfile", "Multi-NAI" and "WModemDUN" (i have ab default / D check profile/ D Multi, nai/ D preset GPRS/ ab Preset GPRS APN) no WModemDUN ? checkDWORDS to a decimal value of "0". Remember to soft reset for the changes to take effect.

The following note does relate to getting the "Wireless Modem" application, but might of interest to those using the "Internet Sharing" application. It seems Sprint is up to shenanigans in regards to tethering for SERO users. Those of you running Sprint ROMs should navigate to the following registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing" and delete the string value named "Extension". This will allow you to connect to the Internet via the "Internet Sharing" app without the dreaded error 67/authentication errors. (did it even though I'm not sero)Previous to this fix, Mogul SERO users would have to connect to the Internet via another method (such as starting Internet Explorer first) before pressing the Connect button in the the Internet Sharing application.

For the lazy, I've created two Mortscripts (included in the attached .zip file), that apply ("MogulTetherFix.mscr") and, check ("CheckMogulTetherFix.mscr"), that the proper registry entries have been made (both for "Wireless Modem" and "Internet Sharing"). To use these scripts you must first download, and install MortScript from
HERE or HERE.(ran it, three cab options I installed from phone middle one is for PPC two others are not carefull) wow mort script looks like fun!

Installing the missing files:

From the attached .zip file, copy the following files:

Wireless Modem.lnk
- Description: Shortcut to Wireless Modem application (Points to "\Windows\WModem.exe" /LAUNCH)
- Place in \Windows\Start Menu\Programs folder on your device

- Description: The actual "Wireless Modem" application
- Place in \Windows folder on your device (v2.08 Mogul ROM already has this file).

- Description: English language resources file needed by WModem.exe
- Place in \Windows folder on your device (was missing from v2.08 Mogul ROM).

Did It, yahoo! it seems to run but still given all the other stuff wait to see how laptop computer install goes thx!
UPDATE! Sweet mother of Pearl... it works! 1157 down and 299 up! of course I disabled active sink on both devices(as in my experience it is a headache) Thank you TalynOne and every other contributor... you make the Tech world a better place!

Last edited by VizionForever; 05-07-2009 at 02:30 PM. Reason: clarity
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  #203 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 10:53 AM
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Re: Tutorial: USB DUN with "Wireless Modem" app on HTC Mogul

Very nice tutorial. It works perfectly on my Sprint Mogul 6800.

Now, I am switching to Sprint Touch Pro. Is this tutorial suitable for TP, or is there a similar tutorial for TP?

Thanks a lot !!!
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  #204 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2009, 07:17 PM
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Re: Tutorial: USB DUN with "Wireless Modem" app on HTC Mogul

( I had to go to program files ICS to get drop down radio box to select)

What does that mean ICS?
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  #205 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2009, 09:26 PM
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Re: Tutorial: USB DUN with "Wireless Modem" app on HTC Mogul

Originally Posted by TylerBeauchamp View Post
( I had to go to program files ICS to get drop down radio box to select)

What does that mean ICS?
Internet Connection Settings...
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  #206 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2009, 08:35 AM
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Re: Tutorial: USB DUN with "Wireless Modem" app on HTC Mogul

Originally Posted by TalynOne View Post
Setting up USB Modem driver on the computer:

On the Phone device:
  1. Make sure you've applied the NAI/detection registry changes described in the beginning of this post.
  2. Some say, you should terminate ActiveSync on your device, and terminate ActiveSync/Windows Mobile Device Center on your desktop, before running Wireless Modem, but I skip this step, and it seems to work fine for me.
  3. Launch the "Wireless Modem" shortcut.
  4. Make sure "USB" is selected for "Connection Type"
  5. Press the "Menu" button, and choose the "Start" menu item

For a Windows XP/2000/Vista client computer:
  1. Login into Windows PC as a user with Administrator credentials
  2. Connect the USB Cable from the Mogul to your computer
  3. After a short period of time the Found New Hardware Wizard screen will appear. On my Vista laptop, I let it search the Internet to find suitable drivers. It took a while, but it eventually found and installed them for me.

For those that have trouble getting/installing the drivers, I've extracted them from my machine using DriverGrabber, and put them in the attached .zip under the "drivers" folder. To install them, repeat steps from above, but instead of letting it search the Internet for suitable drivers:
  1. Select the No, not this time option and press the Next button.
  2. Select the Install from a list or specific location option on the displayed dialog and press the Next button.
  3. The Please choose your search and installation options dialog will appear on the screen. Uncheck the Search removable media option, and use the Browse button to point to the appropriate subfolder under the \drivers folder from the unzipped archive attached to this post. After that, press the Next button.
  4. The installation will be started and the Hardware Installation warning will be displayed. Press the Continue Anyway button to go on with the installation.
  5. After that, the Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard screen will appear. Press the Finish button.
  6. The driver installation is now complete and Windows will pop up a balloon with the text "Your new hardware is installed and ready to use".
Creating a New Dial-Up Connection:

For the Sprint CDMA network, the dial-up number is #777, the user name and password are blank.

For a Windows XP/2000/Vista computer:
  1. Start the Create a new Connection wizard. To do this, press the Windows Start button, select Connect To, choose Show all connections, and look for the wizard in the Network Tasks area in left of the panel. Alternatively, go into Windows Control Panel and choose the Network Connections item.
  2. The Welcome to the New Connection Wizard screen will be displayed. Press the Next button to proceed.
  3. The Network Connection Type screen will be displayed. Select Connect to the Internet and press the Next button.
  4. The Getting Ready dialog will appear. Select the Set up my connection manually option and press the Next button.
  5. The Internet Connection dialog will appear. Choose the Connect using a dial-up modem, and press the Next button to proceed.
  6. The Connection Name screen will be displayed. Type in the name of the connection. For example, Internet via USB Modem is good. Press the Next button.
  7. The Phone Number to Dial screen will be displayed. Type in the #777 and press the Next button.
  8. The Internet Account Information screen will be displayed. Don't enter anything for the user name and password, uncheck the Make this the default Internet connection checkbox and press the Next button.
  9. The Completing the New Connection Wizard screen will be displayed. Enable the Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop for easy connection access and press the Finish button.
  10. Now start the Internet via USB Modem dialog by double-clicking on its icon on the Windows desktop and press the Properties button
  11. The connection properties dialog will be displayed. On the General tab, make sure the Use dialing rules option is disabled
  12. On the Options tab, uncheck the Prompt for name and password, certificate, etc. and Prompt for phone number options, and press the OK button.
  13. The CDMA data connection is now setup!

Connecting to the Internet:
  1. Make sure you've applied the NAI/detection registry changes described in the beginning of this post.
  2. Some say, you should terminate ActiveSync on your device, and terminate ActiveSync/Windows Mobile Device Center on your desktop, before running Wireless Modem, but I skip this step, and it seems to work fine for me.
  3. Launch the "Wireless Modem" shortcut.
  4. Make sure "USB" is selected for "Connection Type"
  5. Press the "Menu" button, and choose the "Start" menu item
  6. Connect the USB Cable from the Mogul to your computer
  7. Double click/dial-up the Connection you made previously, make sure the connection is set to the right dial-up device (HTC USB Modem)
  8. Enjoy!

Disconnecting from the Internet:
  1. Disconnect your dial-up connection on your computer
  2. Disconnect the USB cable from your mobile device
  3. Press the "Menu" button, and choose the "Stop" menu item
  4. Press the "Done" button

  • My connection seems flaky/slow, how can I fix it?

    Don't place your mobile device too close to your computer. If the devices are too close your connectivity could get flaky.

  • By using this will I be charged by my phone carrier?:

    Generally, this will incur the same charges as using the Internet on your phone. If you have SERO data plan, and you applied the NAI detection hacks correctly, you should be fine. The only way to be sure the NAI hacks worked, is to look at your next bill. You are responsible for any charges you may incur.

sampson - His WM5 Rev 00 ROM for the Titan was the source of the missing Wireless Modem files.

luv2chill - Sprint Mogul Internet Sharing Connect Fix. (post by luv2chill).

electronicrice - Multi-NAI disable hacks for the Mogul

Menneisyys - For the Dial-up Networking Through Bluetooth Under WM5 AKU3 / WM6 Hack

Instructions for setting up the dial-up connection on the client came straight from the USBModem manual.

Related Reading:

Dial-up Networking Through Bluetooth Under WM5 AKU3 / WM6:

Internet sharing description & why Microsoft Mobile team removed Bluetooth DUN:

Using "Internet Sharing" over WiFi:

The new dial-up network model of the WM5 AKU3:

Unrestricted BT PAN server with the MS BT stack:

Final Thoughts/Comments:

This should also work for Bluetooth DUN, irDA, and on the MAC and Unix platforms. For the MAC and Unix platforms it's just a matter of locating and installing the correct drivers, and setting up the dial-up connection. If you get this to work on those platforms, please reply, with a copy of the drivers, so that I can update the install package. You might have some luck with the drivers HERE. Also you may want to locate/try the PPC-6700 USB drivers for those platforms. And for hints on how to setup the connection on a MAC/Unix machine, try examining the USBModem manual, as the steps should be very similar.



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I have followed all of the steps, but I can not find the registry on my sprint mogul6800 to change it. What can I be doing wrong?
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  #207 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2009, 06:30 PM
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Re: Tutorial: USB DUN with "Wireless Modem" app on HTC Mogul

Thread stickied for medicinal purposes...
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  #208 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2009, 02:26 PM
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Re: Tutorial: USB DUN with "Wireless Modem" app on HTC Mogul

great tutorial. i was using pdanet and this solved my port forwarding issues and went from 30.1kbps/50kbps to 2.22mbps/47kbps.

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  #209 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2009, 02:32 PM
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Re: Tutorial: USB DUN with "Wireless Modem" app on HTC Mogul

Originally Posted by jones_mcp View Post
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I have followed all of the steps, but I can not find the registry on my sprint mogul6800 to change it. What can I be doing wrong?
i didnt have "CheckProfile" or "Multi-NAI" in my registry. i had to create them myself
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  #210 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2009, 12:22 AM
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Re: Tutorial: USB DUN with "Wireless Modem" app on HTC Mogul

hey was the unlock code
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