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Old 05-06-2009, 08:27 PM
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Talking Re: Tutorial: USB DUN with "Wireless Modem" app on HTC Mogul


aT TIMES THIS THREAD MAY SEEM CONFUSING IF YOU GET TO THE STEP WHERE YOU CHOOSE setting pam PAM OR SPRINT PCS VISION SKIP TO THE bottom and work in reverse, THE TWO PHONES i DID THIS ON WERE A 6.0 AND A 6.1 with the newest radio versions etc... as of this date 05/2009 BOTH phones WORK GREAT AND DIAL UP UNATTENDED using the htc modem driver, FOR THOSE OF YOU WISHING TO HAVE SUCH FUNTIONALITY like me THANKS AGAIN TalynOne you da man!
Installing the Dial-up Networking Through Bluetooth Under WM5 AKU3 / WM6 Hack
  1. From the Bluetooth DialUp Access folder in the attached .zip file, install into main memory on your device.
  2. After installation, soft reset your device
Enabling PAM (Phone as Modem) Connection
  1. You must first have the MSL number for your phone. The MSL unlock code is used for programming your phone yourself, and is unique for every phone. You can retrieve the MSL for your phone by using the GetSPC application. It's essentially a keygen that calculates what the MSL should be from the hexadecimal ESN (case-sensitive). You can download it from HERE. Otherwise you can call Sprint technical support, tell them you're a developer, and you need the MSL number for your phone.(Dont use getspc 2003 use the Other one for current sprint roms... it will give you the Right MSl)
  2. Open up your dialer, and dial in ##3282#
  3. A window should open, select Edit
  4. top left should say epst and unlock code ( run get spl (not 2003) after getting your Hex # from under battery, Use appropriate CASE when entering hex; GET 6 DIGIT RESULT) Enter in your MSL from step 1, and press the OK button (left softkey)
  5. Select the line that has the value MIP_Mode under the Item column
  6. Press the Menu button (right softkey) and choose Edit
  7. Change the value from from Mobile IP Only to Mobile IP Preferred
  8. Press the OK button (left softkey) and soft reset when it tells you to.
Setting PAM (Phone As Modem) as the default dial-up connection ( I had to go to program files ICS to get drop down radio box to select)
  1. Go to Start->Settings->"Connections" tab
  2. Select the "Connections" applet
  3. On the "Tasks" tab, select "Manage existing connections"
  4. On the "Modem" tab, make sure the "Phone as Modem" radio button is selected
  5. Press "OK" to save your changes
Disabling NAI/Tethering Detection (hopefully) (resco is a cab reg edit Program and can edit your registry on the phone, download it and its regedit snapin run both cabs on phone and regedit will be in your Programs folder.
Using a registry editor, navigate to the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\OEM\WModem" key, and set the "CheckProfile", "Multi-NAI" and "WModemDUN" (i have ab default / D check profile/ D Multi, nai/ D preset GPRS/ ab Preset GPRS APN) no WModemDUN ? checkDWORDS to a decimal value of "0". Remember to soft reset for the changes to take effect.

The following note does relate to getting the "Wireless Modem" application, but might of interest to those using the "Internet Sharing" application. It seems Sprint is up to shenanigans in regards to tethering for SERO users. Those of you running Sprint ROMs should navigate to the following registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing" and delete the string value named "Extension". This will allow you to connect to the Internet via the "Internet Sharing" app without the dreaded error 67/authentication errors. (did it even though I'm not sero)Previous to this fix, Mogul SERO users would have to connect to the Internet via another method (such as starting Internet Explorer first) before pressing the Connect button in the the Internet Sharing application.

For the lazy, I've created two Mortscripts (included in the attached .zip file), that apply ("MogulTetherFix.mscr") and, check ("CheckMogulTetherFix.mscr"), that the proper registry entries have been made (both for "Wireless Modem" and "Internet Sharing"). To use these scripts you must first download, and install MortScript from
HERE or HERE.(ran it, three cab options I installed from phone middle one is for PPC two others are not carefull) wow mort script looks like fun!

Installing the missing files:

From the attached .zip file, copy the following files:

Wireless Modem.lnk
- Description: Shortcut to Wireless Modem application (Points to "\Windows\WModem.exe" /LAUNCH)
- Place in \Windows\Start Menu\Programs folder on your device

- Description: The actual "Wireless Modem" application
- Place in \Windows folder on your device (v2.08 Mogul ROM already has this file).

- Description: English language resources file needed by WModem.exe
- Place in \Windows folder on your device (was missing from v2.08 Mogul ROM).

Did It, yahoo! it seems to run but still given all the other stuff wait to see how laptop computer install goes thx!
UPDATE! Sweet mother of Pearl... it works! 1157 down and 299 up! of course I disabled active sink on both devices(as in my experience it is a headache) Thank you TalynOne and every other contributor... you make the Tech world a better place!

Last edited by VizionForever; 05-07-2009 at 02:30 PM. Reason: clarity
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