Using the "connects to work" setting has something to do with DHCP working correctly. It isn't necessary in all situations, but some have found that changing that setting fixed any issues they were having. I think future versions of the software may eventually set everything up for you and eliminate that step anyway.
Chainfire is the man to thank for all this, and here is the new link at XDA for his newest thread...
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=357152 The program is now up to version .91, and is STILL getting better and better each time. Please read the above thread very thoroughly and install whichever version sounds easiest to you. He now has both a .CAB and .EXE installer available that will setup everything for you, so give it a try! |
which is share the evdo connection, through wifi, to my laptop? thanks |
just installed directly to my mogul while on the road, worked flawlessly with my laptop... had it up and running in less than 5 minutes... i just have 1 question, i see it shows the connection as being phone as a modem when it dials... is there any other step that i may need to take prior to using this to make sure it doesnt red flag me with sprint? i noticed that in the xda forum he said there were some hacks used with the wmwifirouter to try to hide this (mainly pertaining to sprint)... is there any other steps i should take? other than that, this is what ive found:
-works fine in standby -can send and receive sms, both in and out of standby while connected -doesnt drop connection passing between ev-do and 1x all of this was done while having a download going on my laptop... like i said, if anyone could inform me any other steps i could take to make sure i dont get my service terminated from using my phone as a modem (save all of the smartass remarks of 'get the phone as a modem plan')... we all know people want to circumvent payin extra money to tether your other devices, and currently im a bit busy otherwise i would just google it or forum search... thanks for the help in advance... cheers... |
defcom... WMWiFiRouter will connect to whatever connection you used last in Internet Sharing. Open your internet sharing app, and connect via USB to SprintPCS one time, and disconnect. Next time you run WMWiFiRouter it should be setup right. Honestly I don't think it makes a difference which one you connect to... they both dial #777.
If you want the Phone As Modem connection deleted permanently, you will have to browse to your Windows/StartUp folder and delete the file CM_Guardian first. Reboot the device, then when it comes back up go into Settings-Connections and click Connections. On the Tasks tab, click Manage Existing Connections. Tap-hold on the PAM connection and select delete. It'll be gone for good then and it will only dial SprintPCS from now on. ****************** On that note, I am curious... how many of you have used this for a long period of time yet? I wonder if any of you have the same battery drain issues I have with mine. If I leave WMWiFiRouter running, even with the screen OFF the thing uses more battery than it can charge... This is with the 1Amp wall charger plugged into it. It will die gradually no matter what I do... If I initiate a long download via WiFi this way, the phone will be dead in no time... I don't get it, and it seems like nobody else has this problem but me. Please, can anyone else verify if this is a problem with all Mogul's or if it is just mine? I appreciate it. |