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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2008, 03:04 PM
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Repsponding to the OP's list:

1. Bluetooth works just fine for me, not sure what why so many people have trouble with it.
2. Roaming also works fine for me.
3. I would like my next phone to have at least a VGA screen.
4. ^
5. My battery performance is also fine, I can get 2-3 days on a charge with moderate use on the 3.16 rom.
6. The processor isn't too bad, but a faster one would be nice.
7. My phone is thin enough for me. I don't care if people think it's a brick compared to the iPhone, because it does so much more than the iPhone.
8. Eh, that would be nice, but it's not a deal breaker for me. The phone having a USB host in it would be nice too so it could use USB mass storage and such.
9. Uhm, we have full built in GPS. Just have to use the 3.16 rom.
10. I like how the dialpad goes away. It's not that hard to get it back up (just hit keypad).
11. Yeah, my next phone will hopefully have at least 128-256MB of ram.
12. What?
13. That would be nice but I wouldn't use it much, I just use phone profiles. Silent, Loud, Normal, etc.

1. No. I don't want that shit.
2. Eh...
3. Ok.
4. No.
5. Mogul comes with it.
6. ...
7. Whatever.

As far as software goes, they should include the bare minimum. Ext rom should let you choose what to install after a hard reset. I don't want half the shit you listed, I'd be inclined to say a bunch of that should go on the crapware list. Software is easy to install, so it's a moot point.

But yeah, I'm hoping by the time my contact is up for renewal in September 2009 I can get a nice phone. Basically a mogul with WiMax, VGA screen, way more RAM, and WM7 would be great.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2008, 03:23 PM
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Well, a higher resolution screen would be nice, not that the moguls isnt great, but I guess you guys are right with that respect, we get the same 320x240 65536 color displays on every ppc when there are much better technologies out there. I just want OZ to work instead of using a data program that rapes my damn battery also.

With that being said, the iphone is a marvelous device, but i think this mogul vs iphone debate has been beat to death. For me, my mogul can do WAY TOO MANY things that iphone cant even hold a damn candle to. I mean the mogul is by far the best powerful cdma device on the market(with a qwerty), despite its shortcomings and bugs.

Id love to see:

-OZ working'
-VGA or higher res screen
-A camera that actually takes good quality pics from a damn 600 dollar phone(moguls
cam is worthless)
-MORE RAM would rule, I can deal with the moguls, but come on memory is so damn cheap these days, and HTC and MS can kiss my grits when the say 64 megs is the best medium for performance and battery life. Just doesnt cut it on a phone with this much capability
-i never had ANY BT problems, but BT 2.0 EDR would be great
-USB 2.0 would be good as well, but i would love to see some type of mass storage or drive mode included in OS
-stop putting these punk a** speakers in these ppcs!! Come on treos and damn near EVERY other phone has a better speaker than the mogul.

Other than that, Out of every ppc and treo and blackberry I have ever owned, I love my mogul the most, and despite its shortcomings, I wouldnt switch to anything else, and I dont care for GSM. Well, hold on...if sprint got the BB Curve...then...lemme stop lol

oh yeah and FTW- I have FULL GPS in my damn MOGUL!!!

Last edited by Success100; 02-07-2008 at 03:25 PM.
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