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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2010, 10:09 AM
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Changed to Omnia 2

It has its own issues, but the keys breaking every 3 months isn't one of them! So far it's great, and faster. Got afree "certified like new" swap out, and the phone is flawlesss and truely like new.

The buttons did it for me on the imagio. Broke on 3 phones. My daughter's had hers for 4 months and is on her second one for the sam thing. That sucks.

Only problem with the O2 is not nearly as many tweaks out there, but most of the stuff for WM6.5 or the Imagio works on it.

So long.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2010, 10:22 AM
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Re: Changed to Omnia 2

Can I ask how you were able to get Verizon to swap a different phone for you? MY Imagio has been replaced 4 or 5 times now and Im about to take it back again because of another button stuck. Would love to be able to convince them to give me a Droid replacement instead.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 05:11 PM
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Re: Changed to Omnia 2

Originally Posted by willywonkaisrsh View Post
Can I ask how you were able to get Verizon to swap a different phone for you? MY Imagio has been replaced 4 or 5 times now and Im about to take it back again because of another button stuck. Would love to be able to convince them to give me a Droid replacement instead.
They will only change you out to a different "like new" phone of the same value. So if you look at the phones on the Verizon site, you will notice that the Imagio sells for $50 now. Any phone that sells for $50 ( including the O2) would be swappable.

But you'll still have to be aggressive about it. The "secret" policy is that they will do this after 3 replacements.

After 5 Storms, I bitched enough that I got my brand new Imagio for free., but it was a lot of bitching and talking to managers. GOOD LUCK!

Good thing at least is that I went from my Storm to the Imagio and now the O2, all for my original $200 way back when. On the flip side, one should not go through 8 phones in a 2 year period of time and I am VERY careful with my phones.

Last edited by johncal; 09-12-2010 at 05:13 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 01:05 AM
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Re: Changed to Omnia 2

congrats on your switch but your info is totally misleading. You'll find that Verizon stores will simply expedite ship a direct replacement "imagio" no matter how much you complain, beg and/or threaten. Exceptions are rare. An uncommon but more likely swap is they'll let you buy a new phone on at "1-year price" without extending your contract.

The imagio price is not $50... more misleading info. it's Full Retail Price is $579.99 and has never been lower. Verizon also loses more $ swapping phones/brands mid-contract as HTC is picking up the brunt of the cost of these Imagio defects (they all have a 1 year warranty remember, all Verizon is doing is expediting the replacement).

Originally Posted by johncal View Post
They will only change you out to a different "like new" phone of the same value. So if you look at the phones on the Verizon site, you will notice that the Imagio sells for $50 now. Any phone that sells for $50 ( including the O2) would be swappable.

But you'll still have to be aggressive about it. The "secret" policy is that they will do this after 3 replacements.

After 5 Storms, I bitched enough that I got my brand new Imagio for free., but it was a lot of bitching and talking to managers. GOOD LUCK!

Good thing at least is that I went from my Storm to the Imagio and now the O2, all for my original $200 way back when. On the flip side, one should not go through 8 phones in a 2 year period of time and I am VERY careful with my phones.
#1 smartphone annoyance: wasting 40% of home screen on a clock.
FINALLY! - with Windows Phone 7 Series... we are taking accountability for the entire experience. That means you will not see layers, like HTC Sense or TouchFLO built on top of the UI by OEMs or MOs (mobile operators). - Aaron Woodman, Microsoft Director of Consumer Experiences
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 12:07 PM
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Re: Changed to Omnia 2

I have not tried yet but I am planning on going to the Verizon store tommorrow. My idea is to go in and hope that someone there will be nice enough to understand that within 8 months I have had to replace this damn phone 5 times and that I should recieve a different phone. If they dont allow me to get something like a Droid 1 or better than I'm going to tell them to cancel my data plan and activate some POS flip phone I have. Im sure they wont want to lose out on $30 a month and will then gladly hook me up with a different phone. If not, then I will just sell this HTC garbage on ebay for around $200 and wait for a couple more months to get and upgrade. Will let ya all know how it goes.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 12:38 PM
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Re: Changed to Omnia 2

Originally Posted by gcianc View Post
congrats on your switch but your info is totally misleading. You'll find that Verizon stores will simply expedite ship a direct replacement "imagio" no matter how much you complain, beg and/or threaten. Exceptions are rare. An uncommon but more likely swap is they'll let you buy a new phone on at "1-year price" without extending your contract.

The imagio price is not $50... more misleading info. it's Full Retail Price is $579.99 and has never been lower. Verizon also loses more $ swapping phones/brands mid-contract as HTC is picking up the brunt of the cost of these Imagio defects (they all have a 1 year warranty remember, all Verizon is doing is expediting the replacement).
Well, you're wrong. Plain and simple. This isn't the first time they've done this for me and it won't be the last. I had problems with an ich760 - they replaced it twice, then they swapped that for a palm treo (new) and after 3 of those for a WM Treo (also new). All on the same nickel. Maybe you're just asking the wrong person.

After 5 broken Storms and enotgh complaining they gave me a NEW Imagio.

I know that because the first time I called on this third Imagio broken button issue, I got exactly what you said. So I called back and asked for a manager and the issue was resolved no problem. When I told them I know they had an equal alternate swap-out option, they aggreed.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 02:22 PM
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Re: Changed to Omnia 2

^ exception... far from the "rule". I'd love to be "wrong" as would many others reading who know you're one lucky SOB that you found a "manager" who did this.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 10:40 AM
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Re: Changed to Omnia 2

Originally Posted by gcianc View Post
^ exception... far from the "rule". I'd love to be "wrong" as would many others reading who know you're one lucky SOB that you found a "manager" who did this.
Found this from another guy on this board in stuck button thread...

"I have also experienced the broken button issue several times on several new and refurbished imagios. Finally, I got fed up (again) and called tech support. I told them that I was about to leave Verizon regardless of the ETF, if I couldn't have a reliable working phone. I've been a customer since before it was Verizon and explained to them how stupid it would be to lose a customer over this. I told them that I didn't expect a new phone, but I did expect a different, comparable phone. The agreed to send me a samsung omnia 2. They are also sending me a new battery, phones cover, and wall charge for the omnia 2 in exchange for my imagio accessories. It should get here tomorrow. I told them I would be ok with the original droid as well, but apparently it is not part of their "upgrade" matrix to go from windows mobile to android. I hope this helps someone. I love htc and think everything they do is innovative, but the software doesn't matter if they can't get the hardware right. "

Swap out option is there, you just need to be persistant"
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 01:29 PM
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Re: Changed to Omnia 2

Originally Posted by willywonkaisrsh View Post
I have not tried yet but I am planning on going to the Verizon store tomorrow. My idea is to go in and hope that someone there will be nice enough to understand that within 8 months I have had to replace this damn phone 5 times and that I should receive a different phone. If they dont allow me to get something like a Droid 1 or better than I'm going to tell them to cancel my data plan and activate some POS flip phone I have. Im sure they wont want to lose out on $30 a month and will then gladly hook me up with a different phone. If not, then I will just sell this HTC garbage on ebay for around $200 and wait for a couple more months to get and upgrade. Will let ya all know how it goes.
Well, I just got back from the Verizon store, and well, talk about a slap in the face. I went to the store pretty confidant I was going to get somewhere, but I was largely mistaken. I figured after hearing about the OP's situation that I might have a chance, but those employees at Verizon are trained very well to be heart-less bastards.

Not only did they not give a f**k about my situation and that this would be the 5th replacement in the past 10 months, the guy was a complete ****. He was rude from the very beginning. He didnt even look at the phone to see what the problem was (stuck button, again). I could of brought in a calculator and told them I couldnt sync it with my Atari and it wouldnt made a difference. The dude just got on his computer, saw that I was still within 1 year, saw what phone I had, and ordered me another. I told him I didnt want another Imagio and he basically told me to go to hell. He said "its electronics; they do that some time." I said "electronics dont break every 2 months unless the are pieces of sh**t. Then he had the nerve to ask me "why did you buy that phone then?" I was pretty pissed at this point and said "so your saying its my fault I bought a phone from you guys that sucks ass?" He said "no, but you had choices." He then went on to say that it was HTC's fault not Verizons. I told him how since they sold me the phone and since it had Verizons service on it that it was Verizons fault. He ignored me and then told me the phone sucks because of Windows Mobile. I told him to blow me and that he didnt know what the hell he was talking about (I really didnt say that).

This bullsh**t went on for about 30 more minutes before I got sick of looking at this homos gay face and figured it would just be easier to wait for the replacement, sell that f**ker on ebay for $200, and buy something else, either off of ebay or from Verizon in a month when I can get another upgrade.

As for anyone that claims they have been able to get a different device from the manufacture warranty replacement through Verizon.... you must have really good blow job skills.

P.S. After I left the store I went home and called customer service to see what they had to say. They basically told me that they will keep shelling out the same device no matter what... except if they are out of stock of that particular device.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 04:38 PM
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Re: Changed to Omnia 2

Originally Posted by willywonkaisrsh View Post
Well, I just got back from the Verizon store, and well, talk about a slap in the face. I went to the store pretty confidant I was going to get somewhere, but I was largely mistaken. I figured after hearing about the OP's situation that I might have a chance, but those employees at Verizon are trained very well to be heart-less bastards.

Not only did they not give a f**k about my situation and that this would be the 5th replacement in the past 10 months, the guy was a complete ****. He was rude from the very beginning. He didnt even look at the phone to see what the problem was (stuck button, again). I could of brought in a calculator and told them I couldnt sync it with my Atari and it wouldnt made a difference. The dude just got on his computer, saw that I was still within 1 year, saw what phone I had, and ordered me another. I told him I didnt want another Imagio and he basically told me to go to hell. He said "its electronics; they do that some time." I said "electronics dont break every 2 months unless the are pieces of sh**t. Then he had the nerve to ask me "why did you buy that phone then?" I was pretty pissed at this point and said "so your saying its my fault I bought a phone from you guys that sucks ass?" He said "no, but you had choices." He then went on to say that it was HTC's fault not Verizons. I told him how since they sold me the phone and since it had Verizons service on it that it was Verizons fault. He ignored me and then told me the phone sucks because of Windows Mobile. I told him to blow me and that he didnt know what the hell he was talking about (I really didnt say that).

This bullsh**t went on for about 30 more minutes before I got sick of looking at this homos gay face and figured it would just be easier to wait for the replacement, sell that f**ker on ebay for $200, and buy something else, either off of ebay or from Verizon in a month when I can get another upgrade.

As for anyone that claims they have been able to get a different device from the manufacture warranty replacement through Verizon.... you must have really good blow job skills.

P.S. After I left the store I went home and called customer service to see what they had to say. They basically told me that they will keep shelling out the same device no matter what... except if they are out of stock of that particular device.
Call back, explain the situation and ask for a manager. Tell them you know of at least 2 people that have gotten swap outs. Ask the manger for his/her name and tell them if they don't do it you'll be looking for another carrier. Always works for me.
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