Originally Posted by m4f1050
There is an app to switch sound to bluetooth. Before I had my Motorola HT-820 then upgraded to Motorola S9 I used a BT headset and that's how I used it, switching it to BT. Here are the programs I used, don't know if it will work because it's a different BT Stack as my HTC Touch, but you can give it a shot...
BTToggle.rar <-- rar with 3 files I used, BTToggle, BTAudioOn and BTAudioOff
btaudio.cab, btaudiocf1.cab and BTAwm6.cab are 3 files I have on my collection but don't know exactly what they are, feel free to test them and let me know if any of these work so I can note it.
So I didnt try any of the others, just the BTAudioOn and BTAudioOff, but it works just fine. I dont know why they didnt have this featuer built into the phone?
Also, the headset that I have is really cheap, therefor the sound sucks, but I want to make sure it is the headset and not the phone before I buy a nic new headset online. Can anyone confirm that the phone would have nothing to do with the sound quality?