Re: Battery life darn short?!
My battery life is starting to deteriorate again. I never chimed in early on in this thread because my battery life was great at first. I had the same short battery life for like the first 5-10days of ownership but it was great after that "break-in" period.
Now for the past week or two i'm experiencing really poor battery life. I unplugged my phone from the charger at around 6am this morning. Now at 10am I'm reading 80%. NO phone use, and I think i've had maybe 7-8 emails pushed to me so far this morning. 20% loss in 4 hours with minimal use doesn't sound normal does it? |
Re: Battery life darn short?!
FluidJ, same thing here. I can't figure it out. You have the same exact time frame as me. I take phone off charger at 7:30am. By 12:00 i have to try and fully charge it again to get through the day. I even bought a brand new stock battery and a new extended battery from Seidio (stock size extended battery). I have done every battery saving trick I know. Screen dim, Home only, check e-mail every hour(rather than "as they arrive"), lowest setting on screen shut off, etc, etc. I here people on this site saying they get most of the day and they surf and WIFI all day. I found this battery post from TP2. I even tried most of her tricks but it seemed to be worse. There is something in there that says WM has a glitch and may only allow our battery to charge half way But the only fix is to do a hard reset. http://rolandsdottir.blogspot.com/20...life-tips.html
Read it, maybe it WILL help you. It didn't help me.
The Imagio is the best phone I have EVER owned !!!!!!!!
Re: Battery life darn short?!
I haven't added any tweaks or anything within the past month or more, so I know it's not that. This is very strange indeed. |
Re: Battery life darn short?!
When was the phone manufactured/how long have you had it? Have you done all of the things suggested in this thread (IE: Turn off GSM, bluetooth and wifi only as needed, calibrate battery, etc)?
Re: Battery life darn short?!
To calibrate the battery, there are two schools of thought: Historically, you drain the battery all the way to the point where the phone dies, charge it fully with the device off, then repeat a couple of times. With this device having a more modern battery, some folks would argue that you should only discharge to about 15-20%, turn the device off and allow to charge fully, then repeat. Personally, I allowed it to die twice and I'm getting fantastic battery life. If it hasn't been said enough though, the Imagio is a high-powered smart phone, so don't expect to get the same 3-day active use battery life as you would get on a dumb phone. That being said though, as it stands right now, I can get a full day of average or moderate use (3 hrs voice, 30-35 e-mails/sms, web, occasional wifi/bluetooth. This is what I define as moderate) or about 2 full days of very light usage with direct push off.
In any case, should you do all of the steps outlined in this thread (there are more things than just calibrating the battery. All ya gotta due is peruse the posts in this thread) and you're still getting bad battery life (IE less than 8 hours with moderate usage) you may have gotten a bad/old battery and you should take it to the vzw store for a free replacement. Keep in mind that this battery is relatively unique in that it has a fixed life of about 2-3 years. Repeated charging/discharging will shorten it, but even if left untouched on a shelf, it will only last that long. It appears that in the case of some early devices, batteries were use that had been in storage for quite some time. Nevertheless, this would only be relevant to you if you bought your phone in the first few weeks of it's release. Good luck! Hit "Thanks" if I helped you! |
Re: Battery life darn short?!
Re: Battery life darn short?!
I ordered the below package. I figured for $15, what the heck. Great little charger and I am finding that the replacement batteries are getting approx 50% better life than the stock battery. It may have to do with how they are being charged. who knows. Over the weekend with light phone usage but lots of incoming emails, I got almost two full days out of one of the replacement batteries.
The product does come directly from Hong Kong, so if that makes anyone nervous, be warned. Quote:
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