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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2009, 10:06 PM
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Diam500 for a Hero!!!

well yesterday i finally won the war i raged on sprint. i bought a diamond a few months back and the vibrate failed. so no big deal, icall'em up and got a waranty refurb on the way. got it and it worked great.... for a month. then the vibrate failed. man i was alittle upset. well called'em up agin and got aother refurb on the way. low and behold out the box with no vibrate at all. ok now more upset, play the sprint game again and got another refurb. this one sounded like it had a trash bag ext to the vibrate motor. i mean loud as hell!!! so i call them up and they send me to a sprint store 30 miles from where i live just to prove this phone was broke. oh and i had to go to a real sprint store, not a third party one. anyhow got there and they said... the only options that the wel program had for diamond replacements was well refurbed **** diamonds or a brand new one. i started to argue for a minute, but the manager wasnt there so i figure it would do no good. i was MAD, MAD as hell! cuz id been at the store for three hours. and MAD to me means Make A Difference... so i caled sprint, ask to speak to escalation management. got a supervisor on the phone and explained what id been through. he agreed it was messed up and that they should have some alternative phone for the diamond. but unfortunately like 4 months ago sprint had a restucturing kinda thing and to the ablity for them to do anything about it. he said only a manager at a official sprint store can make that choice to violate the wel. he offered me some discounts and said he would call the store manager for me. i thought that was exceptable and figured id give him a chance. well a few hours later i called the store to speak to the manager, to see if the dude even called. and nope, he didnt. the manager asked me what was up i told him my story. he asked what i thought was a comparable model to the diamond. i said the hero and the tp2. he told me to wait a minute, came back and told me to come pic up a brand new Hero.

sick as hell and took alot of time and greif. but im happy and made a difference. but... i still miss my diamond. i loved that phone. now its time to get this thing routed!!!!!!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2009, 10:30 PM
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Re: Diam500 for a Hero!!!

Yes I totally understand your frustration. I suffered through the Mogul , Diamond, Touch Pro era with like 12 replacements in all. I like the Hero so far and hope we wotn go through the same. OS far im a bit nervous as it has minor issues. But you got a good deal
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Old 11-04-2009, 12:00 AM
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Re: Diam500 for a Hero!!!

I find it really odd that so many people have to return phones so many times. I had a mogul, no problems, had a diamond, no problems, & had a pre, no problems. Weird huh?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2009, 10:09 AM
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Re: Diam500 for a Hero!!!

Originally Posted by highwayman1224 View Post
I find it really odd that so many people have to return phones so many times. I had a mogul, no problems, had a diamond, no problems, & had a pre, no problems. Weird huh?
+1 on that. Some people might argue that you might not use it a lot so you wont notice the issues as quick. well, i USE my device all day everyday, work at a Sprint Store, so i have to demo phones to customers (i demo my own to make them jealous and want the phone) and i never had an issue with my Mougl (except for the memory management),Touch,Touch Diamond,Touch Pro.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2009, 10:23 AM
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Re: Diam500 for a Hero!!!

great ending to a bad issue. i had an issue with my motoq, it would freeze when tethered and removed. i called 3 times, got a software update, i never did, and got a nice tech who told me there were no q's that were working and gave me my diamond for free. it was supposed to take up my upgrade even though early but i was happy and the upgrade never came off. so my question is do you want to trade your hero for my diamond? pm me. we could work something out.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2009, 10:47 AM
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Re: Diam500 for a Hero!!!

I guess im lucky... every phone i had.. mogul. diamond, vogue, tp.. 6700..never had a problem.. that wasnt caused by me.. I had my pre replaced cause of the oreo effect.. but now have a rock solid pre..

I guess i baby all my stuff etc..

glad it worked out for ya.. might check the hero out come march when im due for an upgrade.. or whatever sprint has around that time..etc.. but im happy with my pre.. so we shall see.

I did play with a hero the other day..wasnt all to impressed. but then again i felt the same way with the pre at launch...so who knows,lol
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2009, 06:11 PM
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Re: Diam500 for a Hero!!!

Mogul, Touch, Diamond and now Hero. No issues except with the screen on my Touch that had a bad LCD area most likely from too much pressure put on it (I carried it in my pocket).

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