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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 06:28 PM
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Re: Don't take a rooted hero to sprint store.

I have taken in unlocked and flashed TP's, Diamonds, even a Treo Pro....Yet to have any Android issues (knock on wood)....But I think I could get by with it. I am just slick like that
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 06:48 PM
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Re: Don't take a rooted hero to sprint store.

Originally Posted by CarlaDarla View Post
I have taken in unlocked and flashed TP's, Diamonds, even a Treo Pro....Yet to have any Android issues (knock on wood)....But I think I could get by with it. I am just slick like that
I have also taken in flashed vogues, moguls, TPs, and TP2s, they never have cared before, but I have never talked to this guy before. Usually they are just curious about the overall bada$$ness of my phone, they just wanna know what ROM and where I got it, not because it matters but because they are genuinely curious.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 06:54 PM
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Re: Don't take a rooted hero to sprint store.

You should have known better and broken the volume button before entering the sprint store duh...

Well if another store won't take it here is what you do...go to another store yet again..if he says its do not replace cause it is rooted..tell them that you had an issue and he was trying to fix it and then tech told you hes gonna try to root it and see if that solved the issue...then went to the back and came back and said to come back tomorrow to get it replaced and when you came back he didn't want to take it so you came to a different store..muwahahaha
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 08:28 PM
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Re: Don't take a rooted hero to sprint store.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
You should have known better and broken the volume button before entering the sprint store duh...

Well if another store won't take it here is what you do...go to another store yet again..if he says its do not replace cause it is rooted..tell them that you had an issue and he was trying to fix it and then tech told you hes gonna try to root it and see if that solved the issue...then went to the back and came back and said to come back tomorrow to get it replaced and when you came back he didn't want to take it so you came to a different store..muwahahaha
Well, i'm pretty sure Sprint would assume that their employees arent trying to fix things by going directly against the terms of service and voiding warranties. Then you'd probably be flagged for fraud. Or Freud. either way you look like a weiner, or at least something that represents one.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 09:44 PM
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Re: Don't take a rooted hero to sprint store.

Originally Posted by bradart View Post
Well, i'm pretty sure Sprint would assume that their employees arent trying to fix things by going directly against the terms of service and voiding warranties. Then you'd probably be flagged for fraud. Or Freud. either way you look like a weiner, or at least something that represents one.
Well that depends..he said it themselves, their own phones are rooted >.> lol..if their phones are rooted and they check its automatically your win.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 09:56 PM
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Re: Don't take a rooted hero to sprint store.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Well that depends..he said it themselves, their own phones are rooted >.> lol..if their phones are rooted and they check its automatically your win.
That sounds like the sweetest revenge ever
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 10:09 PM
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Re: Don't take a rooted hero to sprint store.

I was going to suggest as someone did already and play ignorant to the fact that the phone is rooted, tell the next person you have no idea what rooting means nor do you want to know. This is an obvious defect in the phone, I'm guessing you've tried different cables and such, have you tried formatting your sdcard and then trying it again? I don't know if that will make a difference or not, might be worth a shot.

Maybe you should contact HTC directly and let them know of the issue about the device, doesn't it come with a 1 year manufacturers warranty?
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 10:21 PM
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Red face Re: Don't take a rooted hero to sprint store.

i have always taken unlocked phones ..with custom roms mogul tp1 tp2 but the last time that i took my tp2 with custom rom it was self resetting so i took it to the store an employee was there that i had previously unlocked his tp1 so the technician takes it in and theres was at least 3 techs they all gathered around my tp2 and started messing with it and i felt ****y like they where gon ask me how did i get the windows 6.5 the custom rom but no the technician came out and said you have voided your warranty by altering the software and i cannot fix it or exchange it i think every customer stared at me ,,but good thing that employee that i knew came and told him this is the guy that unlocked my phone .the tech smiled and said well after i saw his tp1 i decided to unlock mine,,,so he ended up giving me a brand new in box tp2 ,,,...but i had pushed my luck too far..
know thats why i asked if theres was a way to go back to stock and to unroot it,,,,bfre rooting and flashing
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 10:29 PM
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Re: Don't take a rooted hero to sprint store.

Originally Posted by jocampo86 View Post
i have always taken unlocked phones ..with custom roms mogul tp1 tp2 but the last time that i took my tp2 with custom rom it was self resetting so i took it to the store an employee was there that i had previously unlocked his tp1 so the technician takes it in and theres was at least 3 techs they all gathered around my tp2 and started messing with it and i felt ****y like they where gon ask me how did i get the windows 6.5 the custom rom but no the technician came out and said you have voided your warranty by altering the software and i cannot fix it or exchange it i think every customer stared at me ,,but good thing that employee that i knew came and told him this is the guy that unlocked my phone .the tech smiled and said well after i saw his tp1 i decided to unlock mine,,,so he ended up giving me a brand new in box tp2 ,,,...but i had pushed my luck too far..
know thats why i asked if theres was a way to go back to stock and to unroot it,,,,bfre rooting and flashing
Your TP2 was soft reseting or hard reseting? if it was soft reseting I had same thing on every rom...all I had to do was install the USC radio and it never reset again ..(sprint radio is a bit faulty for some people)
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 10:47 PM
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Re: Don't take a rooted hero to sprint store.

soft reseting ....3 days after it came out(tp2) but now have the hero and still scared to root and flash
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