Originally Posted by Tuffgong4
Also weird is that we went Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread...alphabetical order...
not that weird there are plenty of linux distributions (which is what android is at heart) that have some sort of alphabetic naming scheme, particularly ubuntu, gutsy gibbon, hardy heron, etc
Originally Posted by relux
Correct me if i'm wrong but there has not yet been an update to any GSM Hero to anything beyond cupcake either.
no, the problem isn't HTC itself directly anyway, its Sense so no it GSM hasn't been updated because HTC has to update the entire software suite
Originally Posted by Merckle
Someone over on Xda said that Htc Rep said that sprint will get there 2.1 update Feb 22. SO lets hope!!!!!
don't hold your breath
Originally Posted by relux
i agree, i talked to my sprint rep and he spoke to Samsung (figure this is valid because Sprint will probably update the Hero and Moment at the same time) the other day and they confirmed "end of 1st quarter" so march 31st most likely