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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2010, 03:00 PM
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Re: HTC Hero Compatible Batteries

Originally Posted by kbussen View Post
It is definitely the truth about smith, tatum, williams and goins. We beat the number 1 team just days after loosing them and here we sit again having them back and cant even beat an aussie!!! I hate UK, but I have to admit John Wall is the real deal. We will just have to see how things pan out. Tell your sister I said, She is a smart girl. Oh and by the way, all the blue we need is out in the lake...erm.. brown... You get the idea. Haha.
Yea, you guys need to drop them quick. Wall is amazing, but he isn't mistake free, for a 18 year old kid though, he's incredible. I hope he goes to the Knicks with King James, that would be an epic team. Haha I hope we can beat u guys, you're coach is a pretty cool dude, but I'm tired of him beating us. She is Blue through and through, but her husband got a promotion so she had to go live with the enemy hahah. She is now a spy for UK haha jk. Ha, I have wakeboarded down there a little, there are some good coves in that brown water.
On On U of K!!!! Sammy GS4 - ATT - Clean Rom - Xposed Mod
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2010, 03:04 PM
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Re: HTC Hero Compatible Batteries

Originally Posted by thacounty View Post
Yea, you guys need to drop them quick. Wall is amazing, but he isn't mistake free, for a 18 year old kid though, he's incredible. I hope he goes to the Knicks with King James, that would be an epic team. Haha I hope we can beat u guys, you're coach is a pretty cool dude, but I'm tired of him beating us. She is Blue through and through, but her husband got a promotion so she had to go live with the enemy hahah. She is now a spy for UK haha jk. Ha, I have wakeboarded down there a little, there are some good coves in that brown water.
Yeah that combo would be pretty sweet. Guess we will just have to see. Obviously not going to this first match up being it that its away but plan on hitting up the home game, its a day befor my bday, hopefully it will be a good present.

Thats how sweet the signal is in my office!!
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