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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 10:41 AM
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Should I switch from WinMo to Android?

Hi guys, I'm currently a Sprint Sero account holder on a Sprint Touch Pro 2 running Windows Mobile. I am thinking of switching to Android because WinMo is so outdated. When I mention about switching on the TP2 forum, I get chewed out and called a troll.

Anyways, can you guys tell me your experience with Android? Especially if you came from a WinMo phone? Would you stick to Android or go back to WinMo? Whats the biggest upside/downsides in Android in comparison to WinMo?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 10:59 AM
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Re: Should I switch from WinMo to Android?

I debated this question myself back in early December. I had the choice between the Moto Droid and the TP2. I ended up with the TP2, as I have a slew of applications which I use and am so familiar with it. I got my Wife the Eris. So, having both of these phones, I am glad that I made the decision that I did. I know that the Eris is not the same as the Moto, but I do feel that Android is still a little behind in stability of platform, from the app. developer side, anyway. Please, no flaming on this aspect. It is JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION. I know that there are some issues with some apps only working on certain versions of Android. This said, I must say that Android DOES have a lot to offer, and I know that, for myself, I am happy with WM6.5 at the current time. (Still wish WM7 would get released already!) I must point out that I have been using WM for about 5 years, so I also have a little bias in that I am so familiar with it.
Don't know if this helps you at all, but it is just MHO.
Good Luck, and I am sure you will be happy which ever way you go!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 11:01 AM
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Re: Should I switch from WinMo to Android?

Yes, switch. Coming from touch pro. Can do everything that phone does plus some

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 11:11 AM
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Re: Should I switch from WinMo to Android?

I made the switch back in December also from the Touch Pro 2, I can honestly say that I have but one regret...... I wish the screen was bigger....

Other then that I have been very happy with the performance and apps! I don't even miss the keyboard.

Just my opinion but I would go with Android.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 11:16 AM
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Re: Should I switch from WinMo to Android?

You need to try it out man. I know people that cant stand using android and much prefer winmo, but personally I don't ever see myself going back unless wm7 is spectacular. I love android and it was the best decision I ever made (pertaining to phones at least).
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 11:21 AM
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Re: Should I switch from WinMo to Android?

I am thinking of doing the Nexus One deal with T-Mo for 179.99. Seems good pricing and I can get unlimited everything for 79.99 minus 15% school discount which should be around 68 bucks.
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Old 01-19-2010, 11:25 AM
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Re: Should I switch from WinMo to Android?

Android feels more stable to me than any of my WinMo phones ever did, and I have also been using them for years (i730, Titan, Touch Pro). I regularly get uptime of over 150h (over 6 days) on my Hero before I even notice any slowdown or behaviors that would even hint at the need for a reboot.

The app and developer support so far is fantastic in my opinion, and with the (notable) exception of Voice Command, I haven't found a single thing I could do previously on WinMo that I can't now do as well or better on Android. Looking back, even with all the fantastic community work being done with 6.5, it just feels years behind in comparison. That is really a bummer considering how long MS had the market practically to themselves. WinMo 7, even if it doesn't turn out to be too little, will definitely be too late.

You couldn't pay me to go back to WinMo at this point. (well, maybe you could, but I would just play along to get your money, and then go back to Android) Seriously, WinMo is like a bad habit, and once it's kicked you will wonder why you didn't kick it sooner.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 11:53 AM
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Re: Should I switch from WinMo to Android?

on another note for you to switch... I get to use my hero android and play with it and all of the apps rather then needing it hooked up to my pc fixing this or that, resetting it, searching for days to find a prog to do what it is im wanting my phone to do... I made the switch from a tp2, although, I did keep my tp2, not in hopes of wm7 being the perfect ui but rather for the day when android gets ported to it for everyday use

The loss of a keyboard did suck at first, but once you figure out how to use the android on screen 1 with all of its adaptive text and set it up correctly, its perfect.... after that I believe other then screen size, comming from the tp2, its the loss of tv out which i did use a bit for my kids while we camp or vaca.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 12:06 PM
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Re: Should I switch from WinMo to Android?

In retrospect, WM is just old and antiquated. What's worse, is that there really aren't any signs of WM making improvements. Yes, in about a YEAR we'll get WM 7. But by that time, there will be plenty of competition.

I have found that the whole interface just feels much more "modern" and everything is integrated much more smoothly. The marketplace is incredible, and my device definitely requires MUCH less "work" than WM. With WM I was constantly soft-resetting, uninstalling, and reinstalling apps because something screwy happened. The stability is much greater with Android.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 12:12 PM
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Re: Should I switch from WinMo to Android?

Some speculation says: Seven will have 2 versions, one that is media and one that is business. Business will be stripped down, but will run faster on devices. Media will be the one that they are banking on, it will have all the business features and be more of a media player too.

I thought seven was going to be better than this, but it still may be a contender, I would have to play with it. To me it still sounds like its a step behind Android.

Android is very stable, I have uptimes in the 100's of hours before resetting, and I usually only reset to flash.

Flashing doesn't require a hard reset like it did on WinMo! There are thousands of apps, most of which are free, all of which are right at my fingertips.

It is a better OS than any WM I have used. I had plenty of WM phones too, don't worry. The only thing you will be losing is M$ Word. But you can get that from another source like docstogo. I say make the switch, that's just my $0.02
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