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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2010, 12:30 PM
elephant007's Avatar
domo arigato mr roboto
Pocket PC: Samsung Moment
Carrier: Sprint since Feb 11, 2002
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Re: Should I switch from WinMo to Android?

Originally Posted by kbussen View Post
Just cause im curious and maybe im just a bad person. How do you use that slide out keyboard while driving? I know we arent supposed to drive and text but really, we still do from time to time. I just really dont see you being able to drive and type with one hand in landscape.
I don't text and drive. Anywhere I drive in town is less than 10 minutes between destinations and I can wait 10 minutes to check/answer texts.
On occasions while stopped at a traffic light, I do check to see what the text message has, I don't respond though. If I need to respond, I pull over to a parking lot or something and text... usually I just drive to get where I'm getting. That's just me!
Plus, you have on screen keyboard too... hardware keyboard isn't the only way to type on the Samsung Moment

Originally Posted by shaakezula View Post
I've had my hero for 2 months down coming from tHe mogul..the tp1 and 2..and let me tell you..it's like a breath of fresh air...no crashing..stalling..freezing..none of it..i was REALLY apprehensive about coming to android..so i got off my butt..went to a sprinT store and played with a WORKING model for about 20 mins..i was SOLD...it ran smoother..faster..had what i was looking for..did everything and more than my tp2 did..I'm SO VERY happy with the hero....and now that you can root it to your sd card..even better...
the ONLY draw back was that you couldn't install apps directly onto your sd card and rooting it ISN'T the easiest thing to do if you're not somehwat tech savvy...but u get used to it...there IS a learning curve to it..but it's quick..and as stated before..i dont even miss my keyboard =)

it's GOLD jerry..GOLD!
Isn't it nice to not have to flash to a custom rom to get the thing going halfway decent?! Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of good custom roms for the windows mobile devices, just to know you don't have to flash to get your Android going nicely
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