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Old 12-07-2009, 01:08 AM
Travis 547's Avatar
Pocket PC: HTC Hero
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Question HTC Hero Continuous Audible Voicemail Alert Notification???

Does anyone know if there is somewhere in the menu set-up to select a continuous ringer or tone alert notification when you get a voicemail until you acknowledge it? My simple cell phones of the past (Sanyo Katana) has been able to do this function. If not, is there an application I could download that could do this?

I need to have notification (besides a flashing light) if I miss a call and it goes to voicemail. From what I understand the iphone is missing this ability too. Does anyone know if the Palm Pre (or any other Sprint PDA phone) gives you this ability?

I love the phone, but If I miss a call or voicemail and don't respond withing 15 min, it's a huge carpet dance at work. Thanks for any input you may have.
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android HTC Devices > Legacy HTC Android Devices > HTC Hero

alerts, notifications, sounds, voicemail

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