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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2009, 12:15 PM
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Pictures using Camera have raining static effect

I did some looking around and I followed the steps using the 800 ISO along with some brightness modifications and so forth. It seems however when I take pictures, I notice this static rain effect. Is this normal of the camera? I also tried this on multiple lighting effects such as florescent and setting the correction to 50 and 60, with similar effects. I stopped useing auto however because I noticed a wave effect using that and that got anoying quick. Doing some research and seeing other peoples pictures, I do not notice that they have the raining static effect and wanted to see if anybody else receives this in mild light. here is a sample I took while getting a sampler at the local tavern.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2009, 12:25 PM
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Re: Pictures using Camera have raining static effect

Originally Posted by ComDor82 View Post
I did some looking around and I followed the steps using the 800 ISO along with some brightness modifications and so forth. It seems however when I take pictures, I notice this static rain effect. Is this normal of the camera? I also tried this on multiple lighting effects such as florescent and setting the correction to 50 and 60, with similar effects. I stopped useing auto however because I noticed a wave effect using that and that got anoying quick. Doing some research and seeing other peoples pictures, I do not notice that they have the raining static effect and wanted to see if anybody else receives this in mild light. here is a sample I took while getting a sampler at the local tavern.
R u talking about the multi-color lines that come up? I have it too in low light. It sucks. I have one that is HTC branded. What is yours?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2009, 12:27 PM
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Re: Pictures using Camera have raining static effect

same problem, only in low light though, in actual lighting the pics turn out awesome.
mine's google branded btw
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2009, 12:28 PM
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Re: Pictures using Camera have raining static effect

Originally Posted by jbearamus View Post
same problem, only in low light though, in actual lighting the pics turn out awesome.
mine's google branded btw
Wish it was just HTC ones so I could go switch and get it fixed. Oh well, guess I need to carry around a spotlight to take pics with hahaha
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2009, 01:00 PM
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Re: Pictures using Camera have raining static effect

I have a "with Google" branded phone as well. I tested a few out at the Sprint shop just now to make sure that I didn't have a funky camera issue. It's the same at the shop as well, so this is actually normal behavior. I could have swore I saw a picture of someone testing the European Hero and they had a very great picture taken down a dark road, but this could be also a Photoshop thing. Anyway, Just wanted to throw that out there and thank you guys for the quick response. I do have to keep telling myself "Hey, it's a camera on a phone what do you expect" lol.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2009, 01:18 PM
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Re: Pictures using Camera have raining static effect

Originally Posted by ComDor82 View Post
I have a "with Google" branded phone as well. I tested a few out at the Sprint shop just now to make sure that I didn't have a funky camera issue. It's the same at the shop as well, so this is actually normal behavior. I could have swore I saw a picture of someone testing the European Hero and they had a very great picture taken down a dark road, but this could be also a Photoshop thing. Anyway, Just wanted to throw that out there and thank you guys for the quick response. I do have to keep telling myself "Hey, it's a camera on a phone what do you expect" lol.
Haha true, but it is the best camera in a phone I have used.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2009, 03:00 PM
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Re: Pictures using Camera have raining static effect

Has anyone tried a different camera program to see if it makes any difference? The great thing about android is you can easily change that. However I bet it's the fact that it's a very small CMOS camera and changing the program won't make a difference

CMOS sensor: each pixel has its own charge-to-voltage conversion, and the sensor often also includes amplifiers, noise-correction, and digitization circuits, so that the chip outputs digital bits. These other functions increase the design complexity and reduce the area available for light capture.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2009, 03:10 PM
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Re: Pictures using Camera have raining static effect

Originally Posted by flipzmode View Post
Has anyone tried a different camera program to see if it makes any difference? The great thing about android is you can easily change that. However I bet it's the fact that it's a very small CMOS camera and changing the program won't make a difference
The program matters not. It is the camera itself. I just use picsay pro to color correct the pictures. seems to work fine.

Also, the issue could be solar winds in conjunction with the de-magnetization of the earths nickel core, exposing us to amounts of electro-static radiation sufficient enough to damage small electronics. That is why, just to be safe, i only take pictures while inside a Farraday cage.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2009, 03:34 PM
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Re: Pictures using Camera have raining static effect

Originally Posted by bradart View Post
Also, the issue could be solar winds in conjunction with the de-magnetization of the earths nickel core, exposing us to amounts of electro-static radiation sufficient enough to damage small electronics. That is why, just to be safe, i only take pictures while inside a Farraday cage.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2009, 05:29 PM
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Re: Pictures using Camera have raining static effect

Originally Posted by bradart View Post
The program matters not. It is the camera itself. I just use picsay pro to color correct the pictures. seems to work fine.

Also, the issue could be solar winds in conjunction with the de-magnetization of the earths nickel core, exposing us to amounts of electro-static radiation sufficient enough to damage small electronics. That is why, just to be safe, i only take pictures while inside a Farraday cage.
Hahaha awesome
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