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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2006, 12:01 PM
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We have a Tytn Forum!!


Just thought Id say hello and start a thread to see how many TyTn owners we have on here?

Anyone want to say their piece? Introduce themselves to our followers and tell us a Brief bit about yourselves?

Theres No Escaping The FaNtAsTiC Mr Q
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2006, 02:25 PM
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I just bought the 8525. Will pick it up tonight. If you come back, we can compare the 2 phones. The tytn has a front video camera, the 8525 doesn't; but I'll be running AKU 3.0
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2006, 05:49 PM
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Originally Posted by patmannyc
I just bought the 8525. Will pick it up tonight. If you come back, we can compare the 2 phones. The tytn has a front video camera, the 8525 doesn't; but I'll be running AKU 3.0
You must be LittlePat. Tell the truth, that 8525 is running AKU 2.3 like most of the other HERMES devices. And you can use the Palm Messaging app to send mms's, you lucky dog!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2006, 10:30 PM
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hahahah you were the first to know how disappointed I was! Yes, I was screwed, I have 2.3.0 I guess whoever posted those specs felt the "2" wasn't important!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2006, 07:56 AM
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I must admit I was rather jealous when I read you'll have AKU 3. I looked into it and found it was wrong but it would appear Hannip got here before I did. Good one Hannip!

You got a tytn aint ya Hannip? What particular brand?

LittlePat = How's your new phone coming on? Other than the internal camera what's the difference with the TyTN. Is the internal cam taken off cos you don't have 3G?

The Q
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2006, 04:21 PM
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Originally Posted by fantastic_mr_q

I must asmit I was rather jealous when I read you'll have AKU 3. I looked into it and found it was wrong but it would appear Hannip got here before I did. Good one Hannip!

You got a tytn aint ya Hannip? What particular brand?

LittlePat = How's your new phone coming on? Other than the internal camera what's the difference with the TyTN. Is the internal cam taken off cos you don't have 3G?

The Q
I think hannip just drove through here to make fun of me. I had already told him I was depressed about the AKU issue LOL.

I've been real busy with the holiday coming up, so I haven't had a chance to really USE the phone. But so far so good, I have phonealarm/wetherpanel/pocket plus/slingplayer etc etc installed and so far it seems very stable. I had one issue where the screen alignment popped up, but it hasn't happened since and I think I figured out why. Other than that its awesome, the scroll wheel is a BLESSING without a front keyboard (I'm used to the 700wx). Once 3G is up and running in my neighborhood I will be in heaven. The phone DOES have 3G, I'm not sure why the camera was 86'ed. Had to be a cingular request, because it will promote things like skype, which doesn't bulk up their pockets. Once I dig into the phone I will report back, I like to hard reset after testing different programs and settings.
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