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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2010, 07:59 PM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

Fantastic compilation of "stuff". Stuck to the Top!
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2010, 08:20 PM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

i will be adding more as i find them
anyone who wishes to add to this please feel free
If i Helped In Anyway Follow Me On Twitter http://twitter.com/#!/maxtcee
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2010, 10:40 PM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks


[Manila][04-Mar-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab - Extended QuickLinks, Appointments and More


This is a Manila (Sense) 2.5 Home Tab modification which features:
  • Home Tab with 4 views and lots of options
  • Extended Quick Links:
    • Quick Links layouts include 3x3, 4x4, 4x5 and 5x5
    • up to 3 pages for up to 27, 48, 60 or 75 shortcuts
    • links can be easily rearranged via drag and drop
    • options to hide empty links, icon frames and text
    • grid view in program selector
  • Extended Appointments:
    • up to 5 appointments on the home tab
    • dated appointments for more than 2 days in the future
  • Optional Call History button
  • Configurable links for: Alarm, Calendar, Call History, Date, Weather and Clock
  • 4 animation leves and an Animation Toolkit
  • Mod options are configurable with CHTEditor
- to johncmolyneux for his great work with CHTEditor
- to the beta testers (in alphabetical order): 12aon, caliban2, dafunk2, Mariad, MaxCF, santod040, Steve0007

Read the First Post:
-Read the first post carefully and completely before posting.
-When posting about a problem please report your full Manila version (e.g. 2.5.xxxxxxxx), the device and ROM you are using and if you have any other mods installed.

Update 7-Mar-2010:
Version 1.6.1 released.

Bug fixes, small additions and changes:

-[new] hide and auto hide appointments
-[new] added more appointments indicator for main view
-[fixed] call history related bugs (rounded edge, overlap)
-[fixed] date button now always shows month view in calendar tab
-[fixed] removed side scroll animation from animation level 0
-[fixed] corrected quick links scrolling in landscape

Settings changes:
The DynamicNotifications setting has been thrown out - in it's place there are:

0 - always hide
1 - always show
2 - auto hide/show (default)

0 - always hide -- don't show any appointments or calendar text in main view
1 - always show (default)
2 - auto hide/show -- show appointments, but hide calendar text

Co0kie.AutoHideQuickLinks --- if more than 2 appointments
0 or 1 --- 0 default

Notes on some changes:

-[new] added more appointments indicator for main view
Until now there was always a small arrow below the quick links in main view. It pointed up or down but was mostly useless.
I've changed its function: From now on this arrow will only be shown if there are more appointments then can fit in main view. This will let you know that there are more appointments to be viewed by swiping down.

Some of the things planned for future versions:
-manila lockscreen
-clocks - different sizes, shapes and colors

Update 13-Feb-2010:
Version 1.6 released. Uninstall the old version and soft reset before upgrading.
To prevent losing your Quick Link assignments, back up the reg key HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\Home before uninstalling, and restore it when you install the new version.

Requirements and Compatibility:
Manila 2.5 is required. The mod is not compatible with other larger Manila mods (like MaxManila). Smaller home tab mods (like transparency) and mods that don't affect the home tab are fine.
Manila subversion compatibility is as follows:

2.5.1920.2525, 2.5.1921.1619, 2.5.1922.2911, 2.5.1922.3829, 2.5.2011.2328, 2.5.2011.3030, 2.5.2011.3626, 2.5.2012.1225, 2.5.2012.1412

NOT compatible:
Nothing for now.

To check your Manila version: go to the settings tab in Sense, select "About phone", and then "Software Information".
If you have any problems with this mod please report your full Manila version (e.g. 2.5.xxxxxxxx), the device and ROM you are using.

Download the cab and run it on your device.
If you have a problem installing it, try turning off Sense (All Settings -> Today), installing the cab and then turning Sense back on.

Upgrading to new versions:
After installing the new version, the extended quick links that you had assigned will be reset.
To prevent this make sure you back up the reg key HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\Home before upgrading, and restore it after. This will save all your quick link assignments, so you don't have to reassign them manually.

For HD2 users: It was made for the HD2 and it should run nice and slick on it. But I do recommend installing Chainfire's HD2/Leo 3D Driver Patch - it's great.
For non-HD2 users: Keep in mind that this was primarily made for the HD2 and it will be slower on other devices. I'll make an option for less animations in a future version. For now, you should know that the performance depends on how many link you have filled up (the number of total empty links doesn't seem to matter).
General tip for more speed (both for HD2 and non-HD2): Disable Animated/Weather wallpapers: go to registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\Manila\ Home.WallpaperMode and set it to 2 --- (0 is weather wall, 1 is animated wall, 2 is still wallpaper)

P: Can't find the reg entries for the settings.
A: Same answer as above: Download and import this reg file.
P: Appointments not updating
A: Try changing the appointment range reg entry.

Known issues:
- exchange encryption brakes the mod

All setting can be changed using johncmolyneux's CHTEditor.

Background for all tabs compatible with this mod:
If you want the standard BG4all, see this post.
If you want high quality wallpapers, take a look at HDWall and HQ Wallpaper Patch.
Don't use both at the same time. It's BG4all OR HDWall.

Download: Co0kie's Home Tab v1.6
Also attached below for those without an XDA account

BIG THANKS to: johncmolyneux
CHTEditor - Co0kie's Home Tab Editor

[APP] Co0kie's Home Tab Editor [UPDATE 04-MAR-2010]
CHTEditor - Co0kie's Home Tab Editor

Here is Co0kie's Home Tab Editor, for editing the settings for Co0kieMonster's most excellent home tab mod. This application DOES NOT make any changes to Sense. You must have Co0kie's Home Tab installed.

You can get Co0kie's Home Tab Mod here. MAKE SURE that you have the same version of the mod and the editor installed (you'll be told when starting the editor if you don't).

With this application you can modify all the settings for the mod without having to open a registry editor, as well as being able to export & import all your settings and quicklinks, in case you need to hard reset or flash a new ROM.

This is a work in progress and will continue to be developed in-line with Co0kieMonster's home tab mod, including any extra settings that are added along the way. With this in mind, it will only work with the correct verison of Co0kieMonster's mod, and if you try to run it against a different version then you'll be given an error telling you to check back here for a newer version of this application.

Features list:
  • Change the settings without a registry editor
  • Export and import settings and quicklinks
  • Remove dead quicklinks
  • Restarts manila for immediate changes
The application has been tested thoroughly and found to be stable for WM6.5. There is an issue when automatically restarting Manila in WM6.1, but you get a friendly error message telling you about it.

To be implemented in future releases:
  • Add icons to the application picker list.
  • Update the controls that are currently difficult to use (appointment range slider and application panels).
  • Multi-language support
If you find any problems, please post and let me know, unless it's one of the above mentioned issues that I'm already planning on fixing.

Other than that, go enjoy your newly modded home tab

Here's a report of this app on pocketnow.com

Note: This application can be installed to either the device or your storage card.

Update 04-Mar-2010
Fixed issues with exporting and importing settings and quicklinks and added support for new features in Co0kie's Home Tab v1.6.

Update 21-Feb-2010
Fixed a problem where selecting an app from the application list did not assign it correctly.

Update 21-Feb-2010
I've added a folder treeview for exporting and importing settings, rather than saving them to the root of the storage card, which didn't always work.

Update 20-Feb-2010
I've changed the application picker for the alarm, calendar and call history applications.
It's now a list of everything in your start menu, rather than the standard .Net open file dialog, which is somewhat lacking.

I've also fixed the "Number of days to look ahead", which wasn't updating, despite the value being changed and stored succesfully.

Attached Thumbnails

[MOD]Co0kie's Home Tab - NEW ALIGNMENT for 1.6 (More appointments on default view)

This Mod is based on Co0kie's Home Tab 1.6. It has to be installed prior to one of the files attached to this post. I changed the alignment on the homescreen only, rest is of course c0okiemonsters work as you all know and love it!

Two versions:
- With flipclock
- Without flipclock

In both versions you can see 4 items on the homescreen (4 appointments or missed calls + 3 appointments). When swiping down, you see the last one (or two) appointment(s).

Download for: cmE Co0kies New Alignment.cab below
With or without the Flip Clock

Thanks to Chalid for his work.

I have also attached the Advanced Home Tab Mod here as well.
It can be found HERE in the thread with screenshots as well.
It is the latest revision of the small clock layout for this mod.

Attached FilesMenuFix.zip (3.2 KB, 63 views)
B4all 2.5.2011 TEST 2.cab (41.9 KB, 108 views)
cmE c0okie new alignment flip.cab (172.1 KB, 50 views)
cmE c0okie new alignment noflip.cab (172.8 KB, 17 views)
Co0kie.HomeTab_v1.6.1.cab (314.1 KB, 166 views)
CHTEditor.v1.6.1.CAB (1.35 MB, 133 views)
Advanced Home Tab 1.6.1.cab (320.8 KB, 28 views)

Last edited by maxtcee; 03-27-2010 at 08:19 AM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2010, 10:42 PM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

»BsB Tweaks
»by Makeveral

  • Many Tweaks and Reg changes.
  • Rotation: Add rotation support to any applications easily.
  • Pinch to Zoom: Add zoom support to any application easily.
  • Data Connection: Enable/Disable Data connections.
  • Manila Language: Changes manila language.
  • Take screenshots of the screen when shaked!
  • [New] Change Manila Left Softkey easily!

Current Tweak list (Thanks to gmo) (List outdated... i'll update soon xd)


Tweaks list
  • General
    • Power Saving
      • - Enables the power setting options to save some battery.
    • Hidden Camera Modes
      • - Activates hidden camera modes (GPS photo mode & video share) .
    • Auto Lock
      • - Automatic lock the device when not in use.
    • Auto Sync Clock
      • - Automatic sync the clock and time zone.
    • STK Service
      • - Enable or Disable the STK Service (Sim ToolKit).
    • Windows Settings
      • - Show normal settings in start menu
    • SIM Contacts
      • - Show SIM contacts in your contact list.
    • SMS Mode
      • - Change SMS view, between Chat and classic view.
    • HTC Vibration
      • - Enable the vibration in HTC applications.
    • Customer Feedback
      • - Enable or Disable the custom feedback service.
    • Error Reporting
      • - Enable or Disable the error reporting service.
    • Owner Info
      • - Show or hide the Owner Info in settings.
    • Screen Sensitivity
      • - Decrease screen response sensitivity.
    • Polices
      • - Allow install and run unsigned applications.
    • HTC Magnifier
      • - Enable or disable the HTC magnifier option.
    • Phone Slide Cover
      • - Show or hide the incall slide cover option.
    • Windows Notifications
      • - Enable dismiss X time in windows notifications.
    • Radio Deemphasis
      • - Improves radio quality.
  • Performance
    • Glyph Cache
      • - Enable high glyph cache, graphics render for faster graphics.
    • TCP/IP Cache
      • - Increase cache of TCP/IP
    • Startup Animation
      • - Disable the startup animation for faster boot.
  • Graphics
    • System Menus
      • - Enable or Disable the default windows menu.
    • Manila Send Button
      • - Show send button in messaging applications.
  • Led Notifications
    • Message Notification
      • - Enable LEDS when you have a new SMS.
    • Voice Mail Notification
      • - Enable LEDS when you have a new entry in voicemaill.
    • Call Notification
      • - Enable LEDS when you have a missed call.
    • Reminder Notification
      • - Enable LEDS for reminder notifications.
  • Connections
    • Wifi N
      • - Enable Wifi N, to improve network throughput.
  • Opera 9.7
    • Opera Vibration
      • - Enable vibration in Opera browser.
    • Opera ZoomBar
      • - Show or hide the Opera zoom bar control.
    • Opera Visual Back
      • - Enable Opera visual back feature.
    • Opera Link Click
      • - Enable the ability to click links without zooming.
    • Opera Tabs
      • - Allow having 9 opera tabs in browser.

[Ver. 1.6]
  • Added option to change manila left softkey easily
  • Fixed problem that rotated apps wouldnt save if a softreset was made just after adding it
  • Changed some descriptions and names
  • Fixed Screenshots not working in some ROM Languages
  • Added tweak to enable wifi in standby (not working in all rom versions... will see if i find a workarround)
  • Added tweak to change album X behaviour
  • Added tweak to enable adobe reflow
  • Added tweak to change sms max recipients to 50
  • Added tweak to improve video recording in mpeg4
  • Added tweak to enable hidden video recording formats
  • Other Minor Fixes
[Ver. 1.5]
  • Fixed problem that reg changes wouldnt persist after soft reset
  • added smswakeup tweak
  • added 8mp camera tweak (thanks to DAMIEN123_666)
  • Added soft reset in menu
  • other minor fixes
[Ver. 1.4]
  • Added Tweak to increase tap time to avoid missclicks
  • Fixed a problem with unexisting keys in reg
  • Fixed typos
  • Added tweak to Enable/Disable calculator vibration
  • Fixed led notifications again xD
  • Added function to take screenshots when hd2 is shaked! Screenshots taken are saved on storage card.
  • Disabled the auto set cache to 0 to fix file cacheproblem.
  • Some other minor changes
ver 1.3
  • Fixed LED Notifications
  • Fixed a problem that could make changes not applying after a softreset
  • Fixed autolock for 1.48 roms
  • Fixed Remove modulename of an item from rotation list.
  • Fixed customer/error report
  • Added tweak to enable default windows notifactions to allow dismiss X time.
  • Added tweak to add send message icon to htc messaging app
  • Added tweak to enable radio Deemphasis (better sound quality)
  • Removed file cache tweak, it's better to set it to dynamic (dont worrie it's set automatically after running bsb tweaks)
  • Added tweak to enable "repeat" option in Sound & Notifications //removed in 1.31
ver 1.2

  • Fixed AutoLock Tweak
  • Improved Rotation code, now it also add modulename so almost all apps should rotate!
  • Optimized some code
  • New Tweaks Added:
    • Lower Screen Sensitivty
    • Enable Polices (Hides warning when running unsigned soft)
    • Enable/Disable Startup animation
    • Show Opera Zoom bar
    • Increase max Opera Tabs to 9
    • Enable Opera Link Clicks without zoom
    • Enable Opera Visual Back
    • Added Led notification on Reminders
    • Enable/Disable HTC Magnifier when copying text
    • Enable/Disable InCall Slide Cover

If you like the program and want me to keep updating it, please donate

  • michyprima (for manila SDK)
  • gmo (for the explanation of each tweak)
  • Dijor69 (for the nice icon!)
  • cyberde (for the code help!)
Important Notes!
  1. Programs that are listed in Rotation & Pinch to Zoom should rotate , no matter if checkboxes are checked or not. Checkboxes are just there to choose the apps that you want to remove from the list (implemented in ver 1.1)
  2. .NetCF 3.5 is required
if you have any suggestion/comment etc i'll be glad to hear it!
I also want to thank michyprima for the manila SDK!

If you like my work->DONATE<-!


My Programs: My ROMS: Last edited by makeveral; 13th January 2010 at 11:11 AM..
Attached Files
File Type: cab BsB Tweaks 1.6.cab (260.7 KB, 79 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by maxtcee; 03-25-2010 at 07:55 AM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2010, 10:44 PM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks


Pocket PC: HtC ImaGio
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Hd mini lock screen ported wvga vga
Heres The New Hd MINI Lock Screen
change wallpapers just like you did with windows lock
also has notifications as well

THanks to MichyPrima & JTF


3/9/10 Added Transparent Slider Thanks to POPDOG54 Just Unzip To Windows Folder And Reset




HD MINI LOCK DEMO http://pocketnow.com/software-1/htc-...ck-screen-demo


Attached Files
MichyPrima HTC Lockscreen 2.0 WVGA.cab (141.2 KB, 62 views)
JTF_HDM_LS_VGA.CAB (1,019.3 KB, 15 views)
Transparent lock Bar.zip (2.9 KB, 10 views)
Default Bar.zip (2.3 KB, 3 views)

Last edited by maxtcee; 03-25-2010 at 08:06 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2010, 11:29 PM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

Add full lanscape rotation
install cab
then use reg edit
lanscape fixed if 1 change to 0 if 0 change to 1
hide orientaion if 1 change to 0 if 0 change to 1

soft reset
then go into settings personal buttons set long press send key to rotate and now you have full lanscape rotation
Attached Files
File Type: cab TF3DRotation.cab (1.4 KB, 36 views) Click for barcode!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2010, 11:33 PM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

Change your search engine
internet search url change it to what ever you want your internet tab to use
ex for bing change to bing
for yahoo change to yahoo
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 07:59 AM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

Explanations on some of the cabs that arent easily distinguished by the name:
BePoliteVisible cab quiets the ringtone on phone pickup
EnableRapi.cab gets ride of the notification warnings when you install a cab
fexploreext.cab enhances the htc file explorer that comes installed on the Imagio
Codyppc is just a performance booster, helps it making your Imagio run a little faster
Attached Files

apristel_Be_Polite_Visible.cab (1.4 KB, 145 views)
codyppc performance booster.cab (2.5 KB, 551 views)
Disable Auto Device Lock.cab (1.0 KB, 147 views)
Disable Verizon SMS Message Sent.cab (1.7 KB, 313 views)
Enable All Camera Modes.cab (2.5 KB, 332 views)
Enable Rapi.cab (1.4 KB, 159 views)
fexploreext.CAB (42.8 KB, 296 views)
htcAddicts cleanRAM v1.8.cab (364.7 KB, 328 views)

Last edited by maxtcee; 03-25-2010 at 08:04 AM.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 08:00 AM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

Explanations on some of the cabs that arent easily distinguished by the name:
InboxExtender.cab adds options like select all and delete all to the mail menu
juggalo adds additional enhancements and options in the Sounds & Notifications settings section
Settingsand CommIcons.cab changes the icons to color on the Settings main screen and Communications screen
Attached Files
InboxExtender[1].CAB (7.6 KB, 293 views)
Juggalo_Xs Notification Enhancements.cab (3.1 KB, 333 views)
NETCFv35.wm.armv4i.cab (2.58 MB, 352 views)
NoPushInternet_v2.CAB (59.5 KB, 152 views)
PHM Registry Editor.cab (94.3 KB, 207 views)
sdkcerts.cab (4.6 KB, 375 views)
SettingsAndCommIcons.cab (212.2 KB, 324 views)
HTC Official Leo Camera Fix by Fab985.cab (2.16 MB, 265 views)

Last edited by maxtcee; 03-25-2010 at 08:03 AM.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 08:01 AM
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maxtcee should be added to the payroll for their contributionsmaxtcee should be added to the payroll for their contributionsmaxtcee should be added to the payroll for their contributionsmaxtcee should be added to the payroll for their contributionsmaxtcee should be added to the payroll for their contributionsmaxtcee should be added to the payroll for their contributionsmaxtcee should be added to the payroll for their contributionsmaxtcee should be added to the payroll for their contributionsmaxtcee should be added to the payroll for their contributionsmaxtcee should be added to the payroll for their contributionsmaxtcee should be added to the payroll for their contributions
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

Explanations on some of the cabs that arent easily distinguished by the name:
Customize Tabs Colored Icons.cab changes the icons to color on the Customize Tabs Settings screen
SndTabs.cab changes the icons to color on the Sound Settings screen
FixUnreadCount will fix your hd2 when it shows an extra email notification when there are no new emails
Clear Weather Background zip makes the panels behind the forecasts in Manila clear or transparent.
Attached Files
Show Hidden Phone Settings.cab (924 Bytes, 400 views)
SSK TP2 Dynamic Resource Proxy.cab (1.1 KB, 189 views)
xdaShutdown 1.01 - WVGA.cab (429.8 KB, 250 views)
Change MMS Options - EnableServerEdit.cab (1.7 KB, 133 views)
Customize_Tabs_Colored_Icons.cab (52.2 KB, 310 views)
Lower RAM - ShareMemSize.cab (1.6 KB, 276 views)
SndTabs.cab (4.0 KB, 208 views)
FixUnreadCount.zip (3.5 KB, 343 views)
Enable In Call Recording.cab (1.5 KB, 273 views)
Clear Weather Backgrounds.zip (1.3 KB, 230 views)

Last edited by maxtcee; 03-25-2010 at 08:04 AM.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC HD2

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