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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 08:50 AM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

great job, keep 'em coming!
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 06:59 PM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

Holy crap nice work dude!

Everyone please hit the Thanks button for maxctee.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 08:21 AM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

[28.01.2010][Manila 2.5] Colored Small Icons in Home, Weather, Stocks & Twitter Tabs
Colored small icons in Manila Sense 2.5 tabs

-HomeColorIcons.zip: first version

If i Helped In Anyway Follow Me On Twitter http://twitter.com/#!/maxtcee
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 08:24 AM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

Cotton Pickin' VIP

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{BiGnAdAd Taskbar} WinMo 6.5/6.5.X Transparent Taskbar * Thinking of Making COLORS!

For GSM Version Visit My Thread HERE on XDA
Attached FilesBiGnAdAd CDMA TransparentTaskbarV1.6.cab (1.08 MB, 231 views)
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 08:26 AM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

HTC Sense Wheater Color Clouds [VGA/WVGA/QVGA]

This simply changes the color of HTC Sense Weather clouds (default white), by Light blue, Yellow or Red one.
Not useful but nice to see, especially on dark backgrounds.

Works on VGA/WVGA/QVGA resolutions and only in Manila 2.5.
For Manila 2.1 ROMs, take a look HERE.

- Just install the attached cab and allow restart.
- It's not necessary disable HTC Sense.

Revert to defaults:
If you don't like the new clouds and want to back to default ones, just uninstall from Settings/System/Remove Programs... and restart the device.

Thanks Chainfire for CFC.

Yes, i know the clouds in real life are white and some transparent? and i swear i'm not colorblind, but... There is no real life and in Sense everything is colorful
That's why i present some diferent colors for you. Personaly i love the Red and Yellow ones.

No Orange cab because it's ugly.
"Marciano" theme (totally crazy) HERE.

Enjoy and i hope your days are not cloudy!







Attached Files

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 10:41 PM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

Thanks for gathering all the info maxtcee! Is there a cab to remove the entire background on the clock? Looks kinda wierd to remove the white background of the flips but still have the large background for it and weather imho. Wish the hd wallpapers for the TP2 worked but doesn't look like they will.

Last edited by lwrdrchvy2; 03-26-2010 at 10:55 PM.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2010, 01:10 AM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

hd walls work im using it right now
set it for manila 2.5

No Calendar Date Background.cab (1.6 KB, 416 views)
Inverted 2.5 Flip Clock.cab (39.4 KB, 174 views)
Black Numbers no Tabs Clock.cab (1.3 KB, 183 views)
No Clock Background.cab (898 Bytes, 430 views)
2.5.x Glass Bubble Slider Tab.cab (5.1 KB, 315 views)
2.5 Glossy Black Slider Tab.cab (3.3 KB, 123 views)
2.5 Flat Black Slider Tab.cab (1.6 KB, 68 views)
2.5 White Slider Tab.cab (1.3 KB, 45 views)
Array AM_PM repair.cab (1.0 KB, 62 views)
Stealth Launcher Links.cab (1.9 KB, 450 views)
Manila 2.5 NoCurtain`s.cab (83.9 KB, 697 views)
Clear Transitions.cab (572 Bytes, 356 views)
Santods 16 Links.cab (173.3 KB, 307 views)
Remove Quick Link Background.cab (953 Bytes, 410 views)
Clear Calendar Page Background 2.5.cab (1.6 KB, 294 views)
Clear Music Page Background 2.5.cab (854 Bytes, 187 views)
Remove Contact Background.cab (194.1 KB, 212 views)

Last edited by maxtcee; 03-27-2010 at 01:23 AM.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2010, 01:18 AM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

No weather background.cab (258.8 KB)
No Calendar Page Background.cab (802.7 KB)
Remove Calendar Icon.cab (7.0 KB, 240 views)
Mods_Remove Calendar Text.cab (342.5 KB, 252 views)
Stealth Slider.cab (60.5 KB, 195 views)

Super Stealth Slider Tab Skin added also.
Install on top of any stealth slider cab to make it completely transparent.

Santod Mods Stealth Slider 3 seconds.cab (99.5 KB, 52 views)
Santod Mods Stealth Slider 4 seconds.cab (99.5 KB, 18 views)
Santod Mods Stealth Slider 5 seconds.cab (99.5 KB, 49 views)
Santod Mods Stealth Slider 6 seconds.cab (99.5 KB, 21 views)
Santod Mods Stealth Slider 7 seconds.cab (99.5 KB, 14 views)
Santod Mods Stealth Slider 8 seconds.cab (99.5 KB, 14 views)
Santod Mods Stealth Slider 9 seconds.cab (99.5 KB, 9 views)
Santod Mods Stealth Slider 10 seconds.cab (99.5 KB, 34 views)
Super Stealth Slider Tab.cab (1.6 KB, 63 views)

Last edited by maxtcee; 03-27-2010 at 01:21 AM.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2010, 08:23 AM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

[10.01.2010][SKIN] Colored HTC Comm Manager + 11 Buttons
Colored icons for HTC Comm Manager + 11 Buttons

v2: icons only - should work on any (W)VGA HTC Comm Manager
v2.3: icons + registry for 11 buttons - should work on most (W)VGA HTC Comm Managers


Any bugs or suggestions plz report!

-Color Comm: first version
-Color Comm v1: added mobile wifi router icon and updated on/off icons
-Color Comm v2: added activesync, ir, ringer, voip icons and button color adjust
-Color Comm v2.2 beta: added registry for 13 buttons
-Color Comm v2.3: button graphic minor update, removed vibrate & ir/beam buttons, added functionality to 3g button

Bugs: (only in v2.2 beta version)
-Vibrate/ringer icon not showing while both for ringer & for vibrate icons exists
Attached Thumbnails

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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2010, 08:25 AM
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Re: Hd2 tweaks

[20.03.2010 - Dark Dialer Buttons][SKIN] HTC Dialers & Call History Colored
Colored icons for HTC dialers & call history

Working on Rhodium dialer but also should work with every HTC (W)VGA dialer - please report.

Call history icons in v1 works for Manila Sense 2.5 (older manila added cab)


14.02.2010: 3D buttons

20.03.2010: dark buttons


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