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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2011, 06:35 PM
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BACK TO STOCK after using Revolutionary to downgrade to FroYo?

I had enough of all the bugs with the OTA Gingerbread update, so I set out to downgrade back to Froyo.

I rooted using Revolutionary, then used RUU_SuperSonic_S_Sprint_WWE_3.70.651.1_Radio_2.15. 00.11.19_NV_1.90_release_161482_signed.exe to take me back to a stock Sprint FroYo ROM. I assume this also un-rooted me, which is fine.

*However*, when I boot the phone while holding the down-volume button it still says HBOOT-16.6.1002, it still shows S-OFF, and it still says "Revolutionary" at the top.

How can I revert to the correct older hboot version, remove S-OFF and remove all references to Revolutionary? I want the phone to look like a stock phone that never did the OTA update for Gingerbread.

I saw this thread:
You can now unroot revolutionary - Android Forums

but I'm not sure if that will give me the correct version of everything (hboot, etc.) that came with FroYo.

Last edited by Automaton; 12-28-2011 at 06:52 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2012, 04:18 PM
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Re: BACK TO STOCK after using Revolutionary to downgrade to FroYo?

I used that guide (the one I used was on XDA...) to an Evo that was having issues. It was rooted via Revolutionary, and when I was done unrooting, it showed the correct hboot (for the GB update, since I wasn't interested in going back to Froyo), and showed S-ON. No evidence my phone had ever been rooted. Your hboot might show the version for the GB update, but will have the Froyo software.

But, if you aren't having any issues with S-OFF and Froyo, you might just want to leave well enough alone. If you used the 2.2 RUU, you probably don't have root access, it's just your bootloader that is unlocked. So, it is just like Sprint intended for the 2.2 update.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2012, 04:51 PM
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Re: BACK TO STOCK after using Revolutionary to downgrade to FroYo?

Originally Posted by Automaton View Post
I had enough of all the bugs with the OTA Gingerbread update, so I set out to downgrade back to Froyo.

I rooted using Revolutionary, then used RUU_SuperSonic_S_Sprint_WWE_3.70.651.1_Radio_2.15. 00.11.19_NV_1.90_release_161482_signed.exe to take me back to a stock Sprint FroYo ROM. I assume this also un-rooted me, which is fine.

*However*, when I boot the phone while holding the down-volume button it still says HBOOT-16.6.1002, it still shows S-OFF, and it still says "Revolutionary" at the top.

How can I revert to the correct older hboot version, remove S-OFF and remove all references to Revolutionary? I want the phone to look like a stock phone that never did the OTA update for Gingerbread.

I saw this thread:
You can now unroot revolutionary - Android Forums

but I'm not sure if that will give me the correct version of everything (hboot, etc.) that came with FroYo.
My .02 cents would be to go back to 2.2 and then upgrade to 2.3 and then everything should be good to go, it will update everything for you by running the update, they are going to wonder why you hadn't upgraded anyways if they look, plus 2.3 is better than 2.2 was anyways.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2012, 06:26 PM
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Re: BACK TO STOCK after using Revolutionary to downgrade to FroYo?


Thanks for your answer, this sounds like what I would like to do with my HTC EVO 4g. I am a super green rookie and have no business doing anything with the words "flash" and "hboot", but unfortunately, the new update for my tablet causes me problems that leave me up the creek without paddles or life vests, and I'm taking on water fast. I'm seriously regretting the update and just wish I could get my device back to the old update. Is there a thread you know about that can help me with this? I've looked but haven't really understood everything.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2012, 10:27 PM
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Re: BACK TO STOCK after using Revolutionary to downgrade to FroYo?

All you have to do is root your Evo and then flash the ROM that you want, but to tell the truth I'm not exactly for sure if you can flash from 2.3 back to 2.2, but it won't hurt to try and it won't do anything, worse case is that it will tell you that you can't downgrade as the software your running is newer.

I'll put up some links so you can read about rooting, and a link to a thread with stock ROM's. Both rooting and flashing a ROM is pretty simple, but I understand that it makes you nervous doing it, I was the same way when I began.

When you root your phone with Revolutionary at the end of the process it will ask you if you want to install the recovery, pick yes as that's important in case you want to get to the root of your phone. The ROM you just put on your SD Card and it will auto flash it if it's a PC36IMG file, or you can run a RUU from your laptop/desktop, or a zip file from the recovery menu. Below are those links I was talking about.

Link on how to root your phone:
[ROOT] EVO 4G Gingerbread 2.3 Root Tutorial - xda-developers

Link to ROM's (this is the newest of the old 2.2 ROM's):

***Note that the above link is to a ROM file that is a RUU and will be installed from your laptop/desktop

If you are interested in a 2.3.3 ROM that is just about flawless, runs extremely smooth and leaves you lots of space for your programs, excellent battery life, and has a lot of Ice Cream Sandwhich (ICS) touches I can give you a link, will still need to root your phone if you're not rooted already, pm me or leave a message in here if you have any questions, good luck.

Last edited by KIOWA69; 01-07-2012 at 10:30 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2012, 11:07 PM
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Re: BACK TO STOCK after using Revolutionary to downgrade to FroYo?

Originally Posted by KIOWA69 View Post
All you have to do is root your Evo and then flash the ROM that you want, but to tell the truth I'm not exactly for sure if you can flash from 2.3 back to 2.2, but it won't hurt to try and it won't do anything, worse case is that it will tell you that you can't downgrade as the software your running is newer.

I'll put up some links so you can read about rooting, and a link to a thread with stock ROM's. Both rooting and flashing a ROM is pretty simple, but I understand that it makes you nervous doing it, I was the same way when I began.

When you root your phone with Revolutionary at the end of the process it will ask you if you want to install the recovery, pick yes as that's important in case you want to get to the root of your phone. The ROM you just put on your SD Card and it will auto flash it if it's a PC36IMG file, or you can run a RUU from your laptop/desktop, or a zip file from the recovery menu. Below are those links I was talking about.

Link on how to root your phone:
[ROOT] EVO 4G Gingerbread 2.3 Root Tutorial - xda-developers

Link to ROM's (this is the newest of the old 2.2 ROM's):

***Note that the above link is to a ROM file that is a RUU and will be installed from your laptop/desktop

If you are interested in a 2.3.3 ROM that is just about flawless, runs extremely smooth and leaves you lots of space for your programs, excellent battery life, and has a lot of Ice Cream Sandwhich (ICS) touches I can give you a link, will still need to root your phone if you're not rooted already, pm me or leave a message in here if you have any questions, good luck.
You are a BIG help! I will study your reply and the info you gave me and get back to you for any questions. Thanks!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2012, 11:59 PM
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Re: BACK TO STOCK after using Revolutionary to downgrade to FroYo?

Not a problem, that's why we have this outstanding site/forum and I have learned a great deal from a lot of great people here and don't mind sharing the knowledge at all, make sure to let us know how things go for you.
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