Originally Posted by Automaton
I had enough of all the bugs with the OTA Gingerbread update, so I set out to downgrade back to Froyo.
I rooted using Revolutionary, then used RUU_SuperSonic_S_Sprint_WWE_3.70.651.1_Radio_2.15. 00.11.19_NV_1.90_release_161482_signed.exe to take me back to a stock Sprint FroYo ROM. I assume this also un-rooted me, which is fine.
*However*, when I boot the phone while holding the down-volume button it still says HBOOT-16.6.1002, it still shows S-OFF, and it still says "Revolutionary" at the top.
How can I revert to the correct older hboot version, remove S-OFF and remove all references to Revolutionary? I want the phone to look like a stock phone that never did the OTA update for Gingerbread.
I saw this thread:
You can now unroot revolutionary - Android Forums
but I'm not sure if that will give me the correct version of everything (hboot, etc.) that came with FroYo.
My .02 cents would be to go back to 2.2 and then upgrade to 2.3 and then everything should be good to go, it will update everything for you by running the update, they are going to wonder why you hadn't upgraded anyways if they look, plus 2.3 is better than 2.2 was anyways.