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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2011, 02:32 PM
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Re: Major Battery Issues - Did I Break Something?

Alright, I'm going to bump this thread with an additional question. I've decided to just reroot and start from scratch to see if that helps the problem at all, since I've been having some issues with some apps as well (phone/market/etc. not seeing them - I'm going to just download apps as I need them and restore the data one app at a time. But I digress).

Here's my question: is there any way to nuke the whole phone and return it to stock? I'm talking stock ROM, kernel, radio, wimax...everything. My EVO is a release-day phone, HW version 0002. And I never did an OTA update prior to rooting. I would have used the Run > c:\evo-recovery backup method for my first backup, but unfortunately I can't find where that might be saved.

Alternatively, I want to be absolutely sure that my kernel installs go perfectly. When installing a kernel with Amon RA do you clear everything? Factory reset? Cache, power settings, etc.?

Thanks for any help.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2011, 06:36 PM
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Re: Major Battery Issues - Did I Break Something?

I don't think you gain anything by Unrooting. At most, run a permission fixer. It does a ChMod and clears permission restrictions on all your files. Rom Manager has one and I think Titanium Pro does too.

When I change Roms, I wipe EVERYTHING. With the latest RA_AMON, I go into recovery and check ALL the wipe options.

I would put on a vanilla Rom like Sprint Lover's. Use Chris's All In One install and it will refresh your radio. I think it may replace your kernel. Set your syncs as normal and then I would run only what comes with that ROM for a day or two and see if your battery performance improves.

If you still have a fast drain then you probably have a bad battery. They do not last forever and there are some lemon batteries. My Mogul's battery crapped out after about six months. It's woudl die in one 15 minute call. I replaced it with an after-market LiPo and that battery would last three days.

LiOns and LiPos batteries have a chip in them to regulate voltage levels. They chips do degrade. If you have access to another EVO, you might want to ask someone to swap batteries with you for a day. If you see significant improvement, avoid your friend.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2011, 09:39 PM
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Re: Major Battery Issues - Did I Break Something?

Thanks for the reply. I ended up just going ahead and unrooting and rerooting with this handy little script: [ROOT] ~~~ HTC EVO - Universal Auto Root ~~~ v2.4 (works with all version)(3/12/11) - xda-developers

That script flashes Sprint Lovers, but I went to Myn's Warm TwoPointTwo and updated radios. So far it's been a lot better. Now I'm reinstalling my apps one at a time rather and restoring the data from MyBackup Pro as I go. Only doing a couple at a time, as I need them.

I'm still on the same kernel as before, though ( htc-kernel@and18-2 #15). Going to test it out for a bit. We'll see how it goes.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2011, 12:28 PM
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Re: Major Battery Issues - Did I Break Something?

you can also go into a sprint store and have them check your battery to make sure that it's good, they also sell a 2600 mAH battery and it comes with two back doors, one white and one black for the extended battery, that's what I have and I love it and got plenty of battery for the day with moderate use, think it was lik $50 for the battery with two doors.
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