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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2011, 03:42 AM
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Re: Flashing EVO back from Boost to Sprint..??

Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
I read on tons of forums that the legal vs illegal thing is overwith as of January 1st this year, supposedly now whatever you do to YOUR own PERSONAL phone is nobodys business but your own... Great news, but still don't think anyone knows how to do this right..?? The Boost guy said it's the exact opposite of flashing from sprint to boost, but i can't find out how anywhere..!?!?!
Thats completely different...think of it like using a computer..you have right to hack it whatever you want..but if you download illegal software its still illegal..

Effectively the law passed was to protect consumers from being sued by manufacturers for tinkering with the stuff..it does not protect you from breaking federal regulations...
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2011, 05:10 PM
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Re: Flashing EVO back from Boost to Sprint..??

I see... It's just weird that there's so many people who have it, but nobody knows how to do it lol... I understand what u mean by that being a law or what not, but it still should be up to the persons own discretion if they want to pursue with it or not... The phone was once a Sprint phone, and now it seems impossible to get it back to Sprint since the operation which brought it to Boost is "illegal".. Ya know..?


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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2011, 11:07 PM
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Re: Flashing EVO back from Boost to Sprint..??

Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
I see... It's just weird that there's so many people who have it, but nobody knows how to do it lol... I understand what u mean by that being a law or what not, but it still should be up to the persons own discretion if they want to pursue with it or not... The phone was once a Sprint phone, and now it seems impossible to get it back to Sprint since the operation which brought it to Boost is "illegal".. Ya know..?

Sure...how to build a bomb should also be put up for the public to see...then it should be up to a persons discretion if they want to pursue it or not..:/ lol..and yes I know thats a bit taking it to far..but we have to understand.. ppcg deals with companies to get exclusives on products to review and give news...not to mention advertisers and sponsors...we have to keep things clean (This is an educate guess..not official statement in any way)..regardless the reason this is the site rules..if you wish to dispute it its up to the owner of the site to decide..we mods only make sure that those rules are followed...
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2011, 11:20 PM
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Re: Flashing EVO back from Boost to Sprint..??

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Sure...how to build a bomb should also be put up for the public to see...then it should be up to a persons discretion if they want to pursue it or not..:/ lol..and yes I know thats a bit taking it to far..but we have to understand.. ppcg deals with companies to get exclusives on products to review and give news...not to mention advertisers and sponsors...we have to keep things clean (This is an educate guess..not official statement in any way)..regardless the reason this is the site rules..if you wish to dispute it its up to the owner of the site to decide..we mods only make sure that those rules are followed...
its legal to know how to build a bomb
but when actually build one is when u violate the law
many bomb making books can be found at your local library

so knowing how to swap an esn doesn't violate the law
the act is what violates the law

"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."

Last edited by Karl; 03-07-2011 at 11:28 PM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2011, 11:29 PM
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Re: Flashing EVO back from Boost to Sprint..??

Originally Posted by KarlE View Post
bomb making is a little different...
its legal to know how to build one
but when actually build one is when u violate the law

so knowing how to swap an esn doesn't violate the law
the act is what violates the law
Except the fbi has been taking down sites that tell ppl how to build one...even though its not against the law..

Remember the incident where someone posted some video on you tube and a judge held Google liable..same story..the one taking the risk here is not the one posting but the site owner...so it is up to the site owner to decide and that has been reflected by the site rules..
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2011, 11:37 PM
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Re: Flashing EVO back from Boost to Sprint..??

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Except the fbi has been taking down sites that tell ppl how to build one...even though its not against the law..

Remember the incident where someone posted some video on you tube and a judge held Google liable..same story..the one taking the risk here is not the one posting but the site owner...so it is up to the site owner to decide and that has been reflected by the site rules..
Google should have applied that ruling

they dont hold the pubic library liable
amazon, etc etc

the anarchist cookbook, poor mans james bond, etc etc
witch is protected by the First Amendment

which if someone published a book on swaping esn's would also be protested by the First Amendment

Anarchist Cookbook, William F. Powell, (978097445890 Paperback - Barnes & Noble

and im not denying that the owner of ppc has the right ( he has the right cuz when you sign up you agree to his TOS)
im arguing the legality

Last edited by Karl; 03-07-2011 at 11:43 PM.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2011, 01:13 AM
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Re: Flashing EVO back from Boost to Sprint..??

At least I'm not alone on this one...
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