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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2011, 02:20 PM
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Re: Quiet.... A little too quiet...

Originally Posted by cruise350 View Post
I agree, its dead at XDA too. Nothing new happening, just noobs posting that they messed up their phones. I haven't flashed a new rom in awhile. I might have to start experimenting with a non sense rom just to shake things up. Maybe MIUI or CM.
I would hardly say things are dead at xda, there is plenty of GB development, kernel development, liquid acer ports, meizu ports, and even the good ole Sense ROMs are seeing a little action. I think the thing with the Sense ROMs is that for the most part, they all work very well and flawlessly, and without an update pushed from HTC and/or Sprint, there is little reason to update the ROM builds unless something major comes along like jschi's pull-down widget port...

As far as PPCGEEKS goes, this place was slammin with CDMA WM development, while xda has always been the king of development on GSM, and really, overall. There has always been more app development at xda, as well as ports, patches, kernels, and mods in general. With the fall of WM and rise of Android, xda was just way ahead of the game, being that they were 1.5 years ahead (Android started on GSM), by the time the EVO was released- the phone many people switched to from the TP2.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2011, 02:55 PM
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I think its dead in general. I have nothing to post on the Rom front. What annoys me is that we don't have 2.3 and they are talking about 2.4 already coming out

my EVO is way cooler than yours
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2011, 08:07 PM
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Re: Quiet.... A little too quiet...

Originally Posted by aman1127 View Post
I think its dead in general. I have nothing to post on the Rom front. What annoys me is that we don't have 2.3 and they are talking about 2.4 already coming out

my EVO is way cooler than yours
+1 on ppl already talking about Coldstone (2.5) and what not... can we please take baby steps folks?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2011, 09:17 PM
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Coldstone? Gingerbread-2.3, "ice cream"- 2.4.....next one would logically be called jellybean, jelly donut, juju bean, jolly rancher etc. Any hoot, rumor says that it will go from 2.4 straight to 3.

2.3 is taking so long to come out given the code has been out forever now. How can 2.4 be announced before anyone gets 2.3?

my EVO is way cooler than yours
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2011, 09:41 PM
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Re: Quiet.... A little too quiet...

honeycomb out yet?
the Evo.. it prints $&*#ing money!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2011, 11:53 PM
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Re: Quiet.... A little too quiet...

Not to beat a dead horse, but I feel the same way as the op. I havent had my evo for a. Long time yet, but I felt that there was more going on in the evo forums before I got mine. But I do agree, coming from the touc pro, this phone isn't in need of the overhaul that the pro did. I'm lovin mine so far!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
personally im not a fan of the reach around either. its not that per se, but more whats going on behind!. i hope you meant they always give you the run around, cuz if not, id avoid that store altogether!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2011, 12:10 PM
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Re: Quiet.... A little too quiet...

Originally Posted by cruise350 View Post
I agree, its dead at XDA too. Nothing new happening, just noobs posting that they messed up their phones. I haven't flashed a new rom in awhile. I might have to start experimenting with a non sense rom just to shake things up. Maybe MIUI or CM.
Go with the Wimax Alpha2 (really a beta). It's the only AOSP rom with 4G working. Only real issue is no 4G icon. This is assuming you are in a 4G area.

[ROM][WIP][ALPHA 2] - Wimax for CyanogenMod 6.1.2! Makes your everything go bigger! - xda-developers
"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence showing you ever tried" -Someone Really Smart
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