Quiet.... A little too quiet...
Did the EVO development community here at PPCGeeks die?
I asked a question in the synergy ROM 18 days ago and it is the #10 most updated thread in the EVO Development threads... How the "mighty" have fallen... PPC geeks has always been the source for easy to understand information.. I guess everyone gave up and went to XDA huh?
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Re: Quiet.... A little too quiet...
Well..its 1:30am and middle of a weekend..
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Re: Quiet.... A little too quiet...
Gingerbread with buttercream icing!!
Just Brilliant, Quietly....
Re: Quiet.... A little too quiet...
I agree, its dead at XDA too. Nothing new happening, just noobs posting that they messed up their phones. I haven't flashed a new rom in awhile. I might have to start experimenting with a non sense rom just to shake things up. Maybe MIUI or CM.
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Re: Quiet.... A little too quiet...
I was just thinking the same thing.....
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Theres just so little wrong with the phone compared to the windows mobile phones I've used in the past. As a previous poster said, wait for gingerbread, then it will get lively around here. In the time being, i've purchased an android tablet to good around with.
Hit THANKS if I helped or made ya laugh!
Re: Quiet.... A little too quiet...
I felt that things had fallen off several months ago seamed like same post each time I chechecked in. Also can not wait for GB
Master Electrician