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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2010, 11:19 PM
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Sprint is huckstering on my phone

Like everyone else, I did the month of free Voicemail to Text conversion. It was fun sending my wife back her messages and seeing how back the text conversion was. Having said that, we declined to subscribe to the paid service. Since the Free Service has expired, I have been presented with a nagging ad for me to subscribe to their service. This is total bull$shit. I own this phone and my voicemail screen. I have NOT given them permission to write on it or to plant a button on it.

That is my real-estate. It is different if I go to a web page and am hucked with an ad. I have paid for my voice mail feature and shoudl not have to see this crap. They will hear from me soon. My account is flagged (Executive Contact) since I called a company officer. (I am a voting stock holder)
This will stop.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2010, 11:28 PM
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Re: Sprint is huckstering on my phone

so wait, thats a NAGG/Ad when you playback the txt>voice messages?? dont have an evo so not sure on the screen your SS is from
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2010, 11:37 PM
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Re: Sprint is huckstering on my phone

It I receive voice mail and go to MY voicemail screen that I MUST, to play my voice mail, I am presented with the screen you see. That is most THAN an ad. That is a button to start the process to add their service to my account. I have bought my daughter an EVO. That means on Christmas mourning, when she opens her present, and her friend leaves her voice mail, she is going to be accosted with this Button, everytime.

This will NOT go on. I will cancel all my phone accounts and NOT pay an early dicontinuation fee!!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2010, 12:00 AM
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Re: Sprint is huckstering on my phone

lmao @ you buddy...

Sprint isnt gonna think your tough, nor is the collection agency after not paying ETFs...

First, you use android... an Ad riddled platform... did you expect something Other than ads when you started using Android???

Second, you used their Service.. meaning you probably ok'd a TOS agreement along the way.. therefore, you already have no claim here..

Third, your daughter shouldnt have any nag screen... since she hasnt opted in to a free trial for the service... As you stated, You never saw this screen before and/or until the trial expired... so, why are you anticipating your daughter will have to see this?

Fourth, in relation to #1.. why arent you worried she'll click on any number of Ads in ALL the apps for Android?? why are you only hell bent on this one..

Fifth, unless you bought your phones contract free - you DONT own it... When you sign an agreement/upgrade/etc to get a new Device, its basically a rental agreement.. Sprint agrees to give you a device at a subsidized price, You agree to pay the bill for atleast 2 years.. you dont, Sprint wants the true cost of the device and an ETF.. they kind of have the right to expect that even.. AFTER you run a full contract period (ie 1yr or 2 yr -depends on terms) then you by all aspects of law and contracts OWN your device.... but not before that time...

Sixth, acosted... your daughter is going to be "approached with hostilty or harmful intent" by an Ad screen???

Last, how about you let the daughter decide what screens bother her... your making your issue, Her issue... and thats just not the case... since she doesnt even own the phone yet Dont you think your over-reacting a bit?

if thats really how you feel about Ads, then my friend, Android is not the platform for you or your children...

EDIT - and there may not be ads on the visual voicemail app on another carrier, but every other Android ad will still be there.. none of your phones will work(unless mEtroPCS), so youll be spending 100s, if not 1000s of dollars getting new phones for everyone... AND your monthly plan will be higher almost guarenteed... I dont really think Sprint is going to feel threaten by your feeble attempts at Alpha Customer.. probably in your bet interest to just swallow your pride here..

if your hell bent on getting out of contract: USE an excessive amount of roaming voice calls and/or roaming data... and Sprint will cut you lose no problem AND ETF FREE...

Last edited by boredandtattooed; 12-23-2010 at 12:06 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2010, 12:03 AM
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Re: Sprint is huckstering on my phone

You cancelling your account and not paying the termination fee..... hmmmm do you think that's really hurting sprint or yourself. stop whining suck it up and grow a bone. your not going anywhere
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2010, 02:04 AM
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Re: Sprint is huckstering on my phone

Originally Posted by lkillen View Post
It I receive voice mail and go to MY voicemail screen that I MUST, to play my voice mail, I am presented with the screen you see. That is most THAN an ad. That is a button to start the process to add their service to my account. I have bought my daughter an EVO. That means on Christmas mourning, when she opens her present, and her friend leaves her voice mail, she is going to be accosted with this Button, everytime.

This will NOT go on. I will cancel all my phone accounts and NOT pay an early dicontinuation fee!!!
Have you tried uninstalling the vvm update. After uninstalling update, you'll be hit with the mandatory update again. Prehaps re-updating the vvm app, will eleminate the issue you have with it. If it does, don't re-run the trial thing....
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2010, 04:40 AM
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Re: Sprint is huckstering on my phone

Funny, I never heard the word "huckstering" before, haha! You're complaining about ads?? I don't even think I would blame the carrier (Sprint) before I blame the platform (Android). This whole post is just silly. Trust me Threatening to terminate your contract without paying is a joke to these companies (us too).
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2010, 05:13 AM
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Re: Sprint is huckstering on my phone

You are all missing the point!!! This is running on the basic phone. That is why I sent in a screen shot. This is not a program that I downloaded!!

Am I the only one that is seeing this? It is there seven-24!! It is more than simply an ad which is annoying enough. It is a Live button to buy something. This is no different than coming to your house and sitting in your yard with a neon sign, blaring, "Eat at Joe's".

It would be entirely different if I had downloaded some silly app. In the 90's, the phone companies were using "slamming" and that is now illegal. This is a form of that.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2010, 08:01 AM
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Re: Sprint is huckstering on my phone

I agree with lkillen!

I have this so called "button" on my vvm screen everytime I go to it to listen to a message. The only difference between him and I is that I have never tried or used it, not even for one second. This all all started with the required update for vvm.

I understand that "android" is an add riddled platform but shoving a button to use a service in the middle of a system app is plain ludicrous. I'm sure winblows phone 7 has adds and will have the same adds/services soon enough when it comes to sprint. Will I cancel my service....no, but it just plain looks fugly and makes my phone look like a toy.
Just Brilliant, Quietly....
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2010, 09:12 AM
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I agree. This should ask you once and you should be able to opt out of the message. It shouldn't be on the screen everytime you go into voicemail. My solution to this is to get google voice. It offers the same paid feature for free plus some other cool features like call recording. Although the transcribing is still not accurate it's just as accurate as sprint without having to pay extra.

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk

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