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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 09:52 AM
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Re: To buy HTC EVO or not?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
...chasing whats going to come out in 6 month is an endless cycle..
That is EXACTLY right!

Originally Posted by mikey1234 View Post
i'm in the same situation as the OP. i have a TP2 and i'm hesitant to move on. i love having the physical keyboard but i could get on board with an on screen display or swype. i'm scared sprint is going to release a dual core phone or something in 6 months and we will be looking at our Evo's pissed off... with CES 2011 right around the corner, i'm wondering if this would be smart for me to wait instead... the Shack has the Evo for $100 signing a new two year agreement...

all EVO's can be rooted relatively easily right?
has anyone who has used a droid x global or droid incredible or samsung epic or similar phone been disappointed with their EVO's speed?
YES all EVO's can be rooted relatively easy. No new phone that release in the near future is going to piss off any EVO owner. And last... what makes you think the EVO is slower than a Droid X, HTC Incredible, or an Epic? Don't get caught up in the hype. The EVO is not slower by any means. Put an EVO beside one of those phones and do your own comparison.

Originally Posted by Fam Money View Post
You can be on SERO and buy your phone at Radio Shack.

I was on the original SERO 500 and called Sprint to upgrade to SERO Premium this afternoon. They were going to wait until the next billing cycle to do so but I told them I was going to upgrade my phone today and needed it rolled out today. She said no problem and did so.

I then spent an hour or so at RS while they kept trying to upgrade me like regular accounts even though I informed them that they would need to call. Needless to say they finally called it in to Sprint and the rep activated the Evo for them.

Out the door the phone was $104 after tax. They are running a special this week in store: $199 for new plans/upgrades - $100 when you trade in ANY working phone. I traded in a 3+ year old T-Mobile SDA. I also have to pay Sprint an $18 "upgrade" fee.

Here's a shortcut.....have them call 1-700-FOR-HELP to get you going with Sprint and SERO. Good luck!
But remember that unless you buy the new phone and change your plan ON your billing cycle date, you WILL be pleasantly surprised with a "month-in-advance" on your very next bill! Meaning you get charged for a full months price plan on top of your normal bill with your current price plan. Not to mention activation fee and extra bs sprint fees and taxes. I'm just letting the upgrade eligible people out there know. If you're a new Sprint customer then you're fine. Try to upgrade ON your monthly billing cycle date and you can avoid this nightmare. If not expect a double bill around the corner. Supposedly it is prorated but it never appears that way when it has happened to me.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 12:00 PM
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The best move I have made! TP2---->E V O

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 12:26 PM
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Re: To buy HTC EVO or not?

Originally Posted by PropagandaX View Post
I don't know, for what it does 200 dollars isnt bad. You know you have a TP2, how much did that cost? I was in the same boat and dwelled on it for weeks, once i got my hands on it I dwelled on why i waited so damn long. Just get in your car and go get one right now. Then come back and let us know much the phone rocks and how small, brickish, and underpowered the tp2 is in comparison
yea, then sell your tp2 for 150 bucks to someone less fortunate than you....get the evo n dont look back
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 12:53 PM
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Re: To buy HTC EVO or not?

Originally Posted by Mr. Belvedere View Post
ANY phone? Ima hafta check that out today then. Was the $18 the only fee that you had to pay Fam?
Yes but be aware of what tx_dbs_tx wrote below. I forgot to mention that because I did not find that to be too big a deal but after reading his statement it may be cause of concern to some. To Sprint's credit they did inform me of the advance billing and the prorated credit for the current plan and prorated charge for the new plan.

You also lose the ability to monitor your minute usage until the next billing cycle. Not big deal for me as I never come anywhere near the 500 minutes but could be an issue for some.
Originally Posted by tx_dbs_tx View Post
That is EXACTLY right!
But remember that unless you buy the new phone and change your plan ON your billing cycle date, you WILL be pleasantly surprised with a "month-in-advance" on your very next bill! Meaning you get charged for a full months price plan on top of your normal bill with your current price plan. Not to mention activation fee and extra bs sprint fees and taxes. I'm just letting the upgrade eligible people out there know. If you're a new Sprint customer then you're fine. Try to upgrade ON your monthly billing cycle date and you can avoid this nightmare. If not expect a double bill around the corner. Supposedly it is prorated but it never appears that way when it has happened to me.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 01:16 PM
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Re: To buy HTC EVO or not?

If you can't hold your excitement any further go ahead and get yourself an EVO asap. You won't be disappointed. I have an EVO but returned it because of freezing issues I had from day one. I am back on my tp2 currently. I couldn't wait 2-3wks for a new phone because of shortages, but I have more than once contemplated getting another one because when it did work is was the best! but I say wait. the radio shack deal does sound nice but remember that involves a trade-in phone so if you were going to trade your tp2 for the discount there might be a problem with ever getting it back if the EVO doesn't live up to or meet your expectations. I agree with everyone else you won't be disappointed with the EVO but with 2011 right around the corner a massive amount of new phones are due to be released, the htc 7 pro and EVO shift 4g, in the first quarter alone. maybe even a EVO 2( complete speculation)during the summer!? but if in a month or so from now there aren't any new phones out or leaked that don't tickle your fancy get the EVO but it doesn't hurt to wait and see at this point.... Of course this wouldn't have been something I would have said a few months ago.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 02:29 PM
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Originally Posted by john80hotkey View Post
If you can't hold your excitement any further go ahead and get yourself an EVO asap. You won't be disappointed. I have an EVO but returned it because of freezing issues I had from day one. I am back on my tp2 currently. I couldn't wait 2-3wks for a new phone because of shortages, but I have more than once contemplated getting another one because when it did work is was the best! but I say wait. the radio shack deal does sound nice but remember that involves a trade-in phone so if you were going to trade your tp2 for the discount there might be a problem with ever getting it back if the EVO doesn't live up to or meet your expectations. I agree with everyone else you won't be disappointed with the EVO but with 2011 right around the corner a massive amount of new phones are due to be released, the htc 7 pro and EVO shift 4g, in the first quarter alone. maybe even a EVO 2( complete speculation)during the summer!? but if in a month or so from now there aren't any new phones out or leaked that don't tickle your fancy get the EVO but it doesn't hurt to wait and see at this point.... Of course this wouldn't have been something I would have said a few months ago.
That's exactly right. Just wait. Or just buy a hero on ebay and root it. That should keep you happy till next year when official dates of phone releases should be more certain. This way you are also not signing a 2 year contract.

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 04:27 PM
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Re: To buy HTC EVO or not?

I have an Evo now and I love it but if I did not have it I would wait to see official release dates on new phones coming out. Its just too close to the new year and with so many goodies around the corner, I wouldn't risk it. But like so many have said, if you just have to have a phone, get the Evo.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 04:30 PM
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Re: To buy HTC EVO or not?

Originally Posted by tx_dbs_tx View Post
YES all EVO's can be rooted relatively easy. No new phone that release in the near future is going to piss off any EVO owner. And last... what makes you think the EVO is slower than a Droid X, HTC Incredible, or an Epic? Don't get caught up in the hype. The EVO is not slower by any means. Put an EVO beside one of those phones and do your own comparison.
Its not exactly a hype..but it boils down to your usage of the phone...I mean if you play solitaire on a 5ghz computer or a 2ghz computer....I doubt you'd notice a difference..boils down to what you plan to use the phone for...
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 08:11 PM
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Re: To buy HTC EVO or not?

If I were to buy a phone today (and I am tomorrow), it would be an EVO
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2010, 12:00 AM
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Re: To buy HTC EVO or not?

Thank you all for your advice and i think I will wait a few weeks and see if any other phones are released by sprint if not I will purchase the evo. Thx again
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