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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2010, 12:12 AM
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Re: Text Message Bug? P*$$ me off. :-)

Ok, I justed tried the MMS.apk from a 2.1 rom, and it wont run at all. I dump into System/apps and Messaging is not even an option. Arrrggghhh...

I filed a bug with HTC, they told me to use a 3rd party app, but they couldnt support it? WTF? LOL
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2010, 10:11 AM
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Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
Actually, just another reason I'm still on 2.1. I've rooted my wife's 2.2, but it still isn't quite there yet, for me to leave DC 3.2.3. Getting closer though.........
wait you have an evo on 2.1, hahaha. ppcggeks never seem to amaze me. and next he's going to create some whack excuse why 2.1 is better then 2.2. omg this is amazing.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2010, 12:07 PM
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Re: Text Message Bug? P*$$ me off. :-)

Well aparently HTC has had complaints about it, because just got an second email that said they are aware of this problem and are looking into it. But again told me in the mean time I could use a 3rd party app from the market, but they would not support it.

To me, this is like going and buying a new car, and the the windshield wipers not working exactly right, and the manufacturer telling me to goto Autozone and buy new wiper motors, but they can support anything if that doesnt fix the problem... LOL
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2010, 03:38 AM
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Re: Text Message Bug? P*$$ me off. :-)

Originally Posted by webdude12 View Post
Using the stock Text messaging app, if I am carrying on a conversation with someone, and leave the text message open and they send a second message, I get no notification.

Anyone else experiencing this?

Do not tell me to use Handsent or Chomp, I like the stock app except for this one bug.
Once texts start flying that fast, I either tell them to call, or I do. If phone calls had been invented after text messaging, nobody would use text messaging, any more than people use Telegraphs and Morse Code anymore. For a quick back and forth, like "I'm here", it makes sense, but not for much more, IMO. And if your in a class or something, WTF, get into the class. Why does everyone think they need to be accessible at all times? Well, I'm guilty too, but I hate it, and am thinking of revolting. Freedom is slipping away, folks, and were all participating in it, like sheep happily being led to the slaughterhouse..........
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2010, 04:00 AM
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Re: Text Message Bug? P*$$ me off. :-)

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
wait you have an evo on 2.1, hahaha. ppcggeks never seem to amaze me. and next he's going to create some whack excuse why 2.1 is better then 2.2. omg this is amazing.

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
Until I tested all the software I need to use, and there were issues, and may still be, why would I upgrade? If everything is working correctly, there has to be strong reasons to upgrade. And my wife has a rooted 2.2, which I did for her (she's not a techie), so I can test things.

Needing everything that currently works to keep working is not a "whack excuse", I own 3 businesses, 2 of which are retail storefronts, and use my Evo heavily in all 3. Why the eff would I risk a smooth operating phone and software until I was sure? Only an idiot or a teenager or student would do that? Not anyone living in the business world would. The problems on the 2.2 upgrade were numerous. I'm not sitting around in my mom's basement playing with my phone all day.
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