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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2010, 12:24 AM
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Re: Swype expired

Originally Posted by lipidfats View Post
u can get the free beta even if you're a non-beta user... (removed xda link)

edit: apparently people think it's all good to post, download and talk about leaked ROMs and the software that comes on it, but we can't post any info about an app that's free as a beta. I think it was one thing when swype was only available on select winmo handsets, but now they offer it through beta for android and they have it expire in order to upgrade. So even if we use it, it's not like it's going to continue to work upon another beta release (or if they ever go final). What's worse is these people who see no problem with loading leaked roms and whatnot on their devices and think it's all good to preach to people that downloading swype is stealing. You can't have it both ways... WHATEVER.
The reason we do not allow this to be posted has been discussed quite a few times. We have been asked by the developers of Swype to not allow the distribution of this application. We are complying with this. There is Swype discussion going on in the Android Apps and Games section. Feel free to continue this discussion there

Since this is in the wrong section and we already have discussion about his going on this is Closed.
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