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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2010, 01:30 PM
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Re: Bottom keys light up before screen when turning display back on

Thanks for the feedback...

It's not so much a problem if everything continues to work fine.. I just wanted to see if this was common and it sounds like it is. I'm still confused as to why some EVOs would light buttons first and some EVOs screen first. I prefer the screen to come on first as that is how it should be... why? because it's instant and lag, whether it's 1 sec or not, is annoying.

Weird though... most of you say the buttons light up first... is my EVO the one actually acting strange?

I still think it's froyo related as I'm still on 2.1. I'm assuming most of you are already on 2.2.

btw, my friend's screen doesn't glitch... He was just explaining it in a weird way. He clarified by saying that the light from the buttons are so bright that it kind of bleeds into the bottom portion of the screen. Weird... but at least the screen isnt acting up like I thought.
Mogul->Diamond->TouchPro->Pro2->EVO 4G-> Q(';')-O

Last edited by lipidfats; 09-01-2010 at 01:32 PM.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2010, 06:59 PM
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Re: Bottom keys light up before screen when turning display back on

Originally Posted by lipidfats View Post
Thanks for the feedback...

It's not so much a problem if everything continues to work fine.. I just wanted to see if this was common and it sounds like it is. I'm still confused as to why some EVOs would light buttons first and some EVOs screen first. I prefer the screen to come on first as that is how it should be... why? because it's instant and lag, whether it's 1 sec or not, is annoying.

Weird though... most of you say the buttons light up first... is my EVO the one actually acting strange?

I still think it's froyo related as I'm still on 2.1. I'm assuming most of you are already on 2.2.

btw, my friend's screen doesn't glitch... He was just explaining it in a weird way. He clarified by saying that the light from the buttons are so bright that it kind of bleeds into the bottom portion of the screen. Weird... but at least the screen isnt acting up like I thought.
I'm running stock 2.2. My lights on the buttons are kinda bright but I also have the light leak issue (a hard case covered them up) so it's not a big deal. My dads EVO I just got him, the lights are twice as bright (no light leak) and it bleeds a little onto the bottom of the screen as well. So I know what your friend is talking about!
Just Brilliant, Quietly....
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