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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2010, 03:18 AM
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Don't kno if you guys checked it out but there was a bounty for 4g on 6.0 directed at cm team.it was almost or about $600.00 if my mind sevres me right,looks like it didn't budge.

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk.
ROM: Calkulin's EViO 2 Froyo v.1.5
Kernel: Netarchy's 4.2 CFS HAVS MORE SMARTASS UNIV.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2010, 07:46 AM
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Re: Do my eyes deceive me? CM6 FINAL released at last?


No app, software, or hardware of anything should be out of ALPHA or RC status till everything is working correctly...period. Updates should be enhancements of the "final" build adding extra features or performance. I understand that upgrades sometimes "break" something but then a new .1 should fix it.
Just Brilliant, Quietly....
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2010, 08:52 PM
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Re: Do my eyes deceive me? CM6 FINAL released at last?

been running the new release. Iv been a CM junkie for the last month, I do not miss the sense even reflashed to get away from it. Battery is superb.
On the Android Train with my EVO, loving life.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2010, 10:38 PM
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Re: Do my eyes deceive me? CM6 FINAL released at last?

i use clear 4g so this rom is no good.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 05:09 AM
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Re: Do my eyes deceive me? CM6 FINAL released at last?

looks/ sounds good, but what if i wanted to use LuancherPro instead of ADW? would it just run on top if adw??? or can adw be removed?
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 09:19 AM
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Re: Do my eyes deceive me? CM6 FINAL released at last?

Originally Posted by TeamMike View Post
looks/ sounds good, but what if i wanted to use LuancherPro instead of ADW? would it just run on top if adw??? or can adw be removed?
Yes. I use Launcher Pro, and there are no issues.

Edit: ADW can be removed, but make sure you have some type of launcher installed before removing, or you could have some issues installing one.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 10:49 AM
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Re: Do my eyes deceive me? CM6 FINAL released at last?

Personally, I could care less about HDMI , FM or 4G. I'm rooting tonight just for this rom.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 11:22 AM
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Re: Do my eyes deceive me? CM6 FINAL released at last?

Originally Posted by tokuzumi View Post
Yes. I use Launcher Pro, and there are no issues.

Edit: ADW can be removed, but make sure you have some type of launcher installed before removing, or you could have some issues installing one.

thanks a lot.
well, looks like im flashing...
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 01:46 PM
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Re: Do my eyes deceive me? CM6 FINAL released at last?

I ran some nightlies and RC1, and was never really happy with them. One of the items on my phone that gets used the absolute most is the camera, and I just don't like his camera.

I don't like how it focuses at all. Even when just viewing the gallery, and I know this sounds strange, but it can't show the pictures as clearly as they are. I had nand backup of a stock rom, and did a zoom in comparison of the same picture on each rom, and CM simply could not get the picture as clear when viewing.

For some this isn't a very big deal, but I take some extraordinary pics of my kids, and I'm not willing to give that up.
Current Rom: Evio 2 v1.1
Theme: LauncherPro/Beautiful Widgets
Kernal: KingKlicks BFS#5
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 02:01 PM
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Re: Do my eyes deceive me? CM6 FINAL released at last?

Originally Posted by ricchini2007 View Post
i use clear 4g so this rom is no good.
Why are you posting something so useless. If you have a question ask it. BTW if your question is will 4G come to CM6. They are trying to get it running for the 6.1 Release however who knows if they will ever get it working. My money is on they will get it working, there is a thread over at XDA offering a bounty and its at almost $700 last I checked.

Originally Posted by TeamMike View Post
looks/ sounds good, but what if i wanted to use LuancherPro instead of ADW? would it just run on top if adw??? or can adw be removed?
I uninstalled ADW without loading the new ADW and it turned into an oh snap moment. I had no launcher so it went to the phone dialer and the home key didnt do anything. I hit back and it would go back to something else not usefull. I hit menu and nothing happend, I hit search and that worked but I didnt have search apps enabled so it didnt get me to titanium backup to restore it. The long press home key just so happened to work and it just so happened titanium back up was there in my recent list.. however click it and going to it I couldnt restore it. Luckly the market was also in my recent list. I went to the market and loaded the new ADW.

To answer your question install Launcher Pro. Make sure its working correctly. Then use titanium back up or root explorer or something like that to navigate to ADW launcher. Then once you are sure launcher pro is working just uninstall ADW and ADW is completly gone from the system. Its not like sense where there is so much involved its never really gone.
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