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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2010, 09:21 PM
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Re: Setcpu question evo with custom rom

Originally Posted by chaos2137 View Post
DUDE YOU ARE THE SHIZNIT (i always wanted to say shiznit haa haa i said it again lol) but dude ever since i joined this site you and a hand full of others are always there with awesome tips---pressed thanks!
Cool bro I'm glad it helped. I appreciate it. Hope it helps haha.

Originally Posted by rooster94 View Post
Should never go below 245 for stability issues? Mine has been set to a low of 128 for a while now and have had no issues, not to mention that I overclock above 1152 periodically and also have no issues. I don't think its fair to say that 245 is as low as you can go and that 1152 is as high as you can go, although those a good places to start, it should be known that it really just depends on what your specific phone can and cannot handle.
Under 245 caused my screen to take a while to come back up. I don't want to wait for this so I see no reason to trade around 10 mins of battery life for it. I have heard from a few devs that they don't suggest anything over 1152 on the Evo just yet. I was just passing that along. Also, the specific phone at hand would be the Evo, so that's what I was sharing. No need to be upset.
On On U of K!!!! Sammy GS4 - ATT - Clean Rom - Xposed Mod
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2010, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by thacounty View Post
Under 245 caused my screen to take a while to come back up. I don't want to wait for this so I see no reason to trade around 10 mins of battery life for it. I have heard from a few devs that they don't suggest anything over 1152 on the Evo just yet. I was just passing that along. Also, the specific phone at hand would be the Evo, so that's what I was sharing. No need to be upset.
Oh ok, see mine has no issues coming back up. If mine did that I wouldn't underclock it that much either.
And what I'm saying is that everyone's phone is different, so can overclock over 2ghz while others can barely make it over 1152, so that's what I was trying to get at.
Sorry if I sounded upset, really didn't mean to man. I mean come on, its only a phone, who cares.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2010, 11:34 PM
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Re: Setcpu question evo with custom rom

Originally Posted by rooster94 View Post
Oh ok, see mine has no issues coming back up. If mine did that I wouldn't underclock it that much either.
And what I'm saying is that everyone's phone is different, so can overclock over 2ghz while others can barely make it over 1152, so that's what I was trying to get at.
Sorry if I sounded upset, really didn't mean to man. I mean come on, its only a phone, who cares.

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk Pro
Me, I must always be right and win. Thats why I got the one with more gbs and the wifis haha. Its all good bro.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 12:31 AM
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Originally Posted by thacounty View Post
Me, I must always be right and win. Thats why I got the one with more gbs and the wifis haha. Its all good bro.
I just had an aneurism. I am dead now. My cat is homeless.

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk Pro
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