Re: Music Player Not reading Tag Info
I am having the same issue and it is really driving me crazy. I have tried syncing with WMP, dragging and dropping the files from my harddrive and even renaming the tracks numerically but they still appear in a random order. Most of my artists are also listed as unknown. This is frustrating when I am trying to listen to a show tune album (sorry) and the final song comes first. I downloaded double twist but they play and are listed the same way. The few albums that I had in itunes also are showing up the same way. So has anyone come up with a fix or workaround for this or is this something that could possibly be fixed in an update? If I remember correctly, this wasn't a problem until after the last update. I am just running the stock phone.
Thanks to anyone who has information on this. And also thanks to the whole community here. I have learned so much reading everyone's posts. There are some super smart people on this forum! |
Re: Music Player Not reading Tag Info
This wouldn't be such a pain to troubleshoot if the Memory Card in the EVO wasn't under the battery. |
Re: Music Player Not reading Tag Info
http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sourc...BcsLpNKotLs-CQ See the link above. Android apparently has inherent issues with WMA and Tags. I had issues with music playing on the TP2, so I ended up syncing everything with it to WMA. Obviously the Windows Mobile TP2 had no problems with that. Anddroid does. The apparent solution would be to convert back to MP3 format or something with which Android plays better. Which is what I will be doing... Macrae, are your songs stored in WMA? If so, that's probably your problem, and there's nothing you can do about it from what I could find other than switch to MP3. If your songs are not in MP3, there's still hope... For MP3 files, there are different versions or types or whatever of tag info. From what I was able to determine last night. Android can only read Mp3 v1, and not v2.3, or v2.4. DoubleTwist, even though it read the tag info of the files in WMA, when it synced the files to the memory card in mp3 format, it didn't transfer any of the tag info with it. DoubleTwist saw the WMA tags, and had all of the info. When it syncs, it apparently converts the files to mp3s, which is great. But it doesn't copy the Tag Info. I synced some of the WMA songs I had to my phone using Double Twist, and then looked at the files that it had just synced, in doubletwist, but on the phone and tey were all Unknown Artist, etc. Once I figured all of this out, I was able to take .mp3 files that didn't have the tag Info and wouldn't play, then edit the tag Info, and get the Media player to recognize all of the info, and play the CDs like they should. So, if you get the files onto your phone in mp3 format, you shouldn't have any problems. If you do, a Tag Editor should help get the tags in the right version to work for you. Hope this helps. I'll look into it more tomorrow, but I'm 99% sure I've found the solution to my problem. |
Re: Music Player Not reading Tag Info
Re: Music Player Not reading Tag Info
Thanks ShackMaster for your information and the link. I have spent entirely too much time on this. Tonight I tried Media Monkey. No album art. I also tried to convert using Freerip. Again no album art but they are in the correct order. I am willing to spend the time converting my wma files to Mp3 format but I am not willing to try to add the album art later. There just must be an easier way to do this. I am getting myself so confused that I am not really sure anymore what I have tried and what I have not tried. In fact, I deleted an album off the phone to add it on another way and it didn't work. So I put it back on in the way I thought I had added all the other albums and guess what....no album art. Argh!
Re: Music Player Not reading Tag Info
Keep in mind this only works for files that have the ID3v2 tag already filled out. If you had album art before and the artist and title were showing up correctly then this method should work for you. It's a pain in the ass, but it works. |
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