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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2010, 03:58 PM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

Originally Posted by aaron580 View Post
I have both iPad 64g wifi and the evo. With a pair like this, I dont even need my macbook pro anymore since i tether my evo and ipad and use my evo when ipad isnt convenient. But they really are 2 different devices so comparing them is not really possible.
i do the same thing with my ipod touch.... i plan on selling the ipod touch and getting an ipad when the next gen releases.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2010, 08:17 PM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

evo im on my fresh new compaQ WITH the free wifi tether. also im roaming so the speeds are so so .......
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2010, 09:19 PM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

I have, and like them both. I bought the iPad a week before the Evo came out, because I accidentally smashed my HTC Diamond against the wall, and was in dire need of something to play with until I could get my Evo.

I bought the 16gb wifi-only version. I really enjoy it. Makes laying in bed and reading or surfing whatever catches my whim vastly easier than bringing out the laptop, or walking to the office to use my desktop. Plus it nice for ebook reading, great for when your sitting on the throne (made it to where I no long have the urge to mount a TV in the bathroom) and it's nice that I no longer leave books in there to read.

But I use my iPad and Evo for completely different uses. The iPad stays at home, and I never leave home without my Evo. There's nothing that the iPad can do that my Evo cannot, though if for just general time-kill-ery I prefer the iPad.

I definitely say for house-hold use, I prefer the iPad for most things, but if your funds allow, get them both. If you just need a phone, and want one that can do everything, get the Evo.

Though it's very nice for those business trips when I have to stay in a hotel, it's supremely awesome to be able to setup the wifi-tethering on the Evo, and use my iPad for other purposes. So much more so when I'm in a city that has 4G (as my home city of San Antonio does. And it's nice that Texas has the most 4G cities).
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2010, 09:26 PM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

i have both and wifi tether
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2010, 11:11 PM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

Originally Posted by dadoc04 View Post
i do the same thing with my ipod touch.... i plan on selling the ipod touch and getting an ipad when the next gen releases.
LOL wont be for a while. I will prob break down and buy a second gen as well just cause i like to stay on top of tech as best I can.
Sony Clie->Palm M105->Palm M505->Palm Z22(stolen)->HP RX1955->HTC Mogul->Touch Pro->Touch Pro 2>Evo 4g!

OMJ rom
Godmode kernel tearing fixed
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2010, 11:36 PM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

HOW is this a real discussion? The ifad is nothing more than color (oh, wait, is it actually color yet?) over substance. I can do everything I want on my Evo AND change the battery and NOT worry that some megalomaniac afraid of boobies is going to terminate my applications.

The ifad is nothing more than a glorified tablet pc. Yes, Fanbois love it. Yet, the rest of the world sees it for what it is, a really expensive etch-a-sketch.

Of course, if we were talking about the WePad (oh, sorry, seems Cupertino made them change their name), to the WeTab (are they done suing universities yet over the use of their logo?) then we'd have a real discussion.

ifad is just that, when you have no real specs, dazzle them with color.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2010, 11:48 PM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

We use ipads at work to do our inspections on and honestly if I had the money id love to have one just for internet browsing, BUT........

Honestly, internet browsing, apps and if you want, music, are all its really good for.
But it is a neat toy. but thats all it really is is a toy.
It works perfect for what we do with them at work. We use to use 2000$ MS tablets. So the 500$ ipad was the obvious choice.

If I helped you out,Hit the THANKS
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 12:11 AM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

between my Windows7 machines at home, and my history of WinMo phones until the EVO...I really wouldn't call myself a fanboy...especially for the fruit.

A good piece of tech is a good piece of tech. Anyone that has an iPad can attest that they NOW use their iDevice more than originally intended. There are plenty of things that the EVO can do...and the iPad can't...but there are plenty of things that the iPad can do BETTER...than the EVO...simply due to form factor.

I'm active duty military...I found ways of using my iPad at work...and now considering deploying to Afghanistan WITH the iPad in an otterbox simply because I can load it up with technical manuals...etc.

I think for those folks that are so close minded that they can't recognize good/effective technology simply because of an label OR manufacturer...they're limiting themselves.

It would be like a dev saying that they're happy with one build of a ROM...and refuse to make it better...OR better yet...look around and see what other innovations can be incorporated to make the ROM better.

Maintaining tunnel vision will only result in inferior products...think m$ for the past few years...and only NOW have they been looking around and seeing Google and Apple catching them AND surpassing them in different areas...before they realize they need to INNOVATE.

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 03:12 AM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

Originally Posted by lipidfats View Post
i'd tell the average consumer, especially women and older people, to buy the iPhone just because of how simple it is... you can't tell them to get winmo because they will hate it without hours and hours of help from you and even then they'll still need help down the line. Android is a lot more user friendly than winmo, but it's still a lot to take in for the average consumer imo. iPhone 4... well, a baby can use that and it's still a great phone. Android's better, but being someone's support can get kind of annoying.
Why is everyone taking shots at women. No offense but Ive had tons of conversations with men lately, and ive talked technical phone circles around them. Just cuz we are female doesnt make us dumb.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 03:15 AM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

That's like asking:

Full-sized notebook OR pocket sized tablet

While full-sized notebooks allow you to jot down more information with your pen, nothing beats the portability of a pocket sized tablet.
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