Wirelessly posted (TP2 Biznitch: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-us; Sprint APA9292KT Build/ERE27) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17)
It breaks gmail app. It won't push the mail if you disable it.
Re: Any way to remove Goole Talk?
I don't understand why anyone would want to disable it, its great!! Have you ever even used it?? If not you should try it out, you'll probably love it!!
Re: Any way to remove Goole Talk?
I dont like it either because its always running even when I disable it... and I really dont talk to many people with android phones and the ones that do dont use it.
Re: Any way to remove Goole Talk?
whats so great about a msg app? I must be missing something.
I hate that the app seems to always want to run in the background on its own..Even after unchecking auto sign in and signing out. Last edited by MrDSL; 07-06-2010 at 03:36 PM. |