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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 01:44 PM
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Nandroid question

Does Nandroid backup your radio ? I'm a little confused as to what Nandroid backs up and what it doesn't.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 04:07 PM
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Re: Nandroid question

It backed up my radios...On my old EVO, idk what with it now, as I have a new EVO along with new software.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 04:29 PM
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Re: Nandroid question

Yes, it's a complete copy of what you have on your phone now.

Example -
You have a stock sprint rom, not rooted, Radio 1.32.651.1, every sound customized, 4 email accounts, 10 apps you installed, and some crazy wallpaper w/ a fat purple cat.
So you make a nandroid backup.

Then you decide to full-root your phone and install OMJ's latest rom 1.6r which has the new OTA included and the latest Radio

Then, you decide you don't like it, so you do a nandroid restore.
You will be back at a stock sprint rom, not rooted, Radio, every sound customized, 4 email accounts, 10 apps you installed, and some crazy wallpaper w/ a fat purple cat. (notice the radio did not get restored)

Basically, it will revert back to whatever was on the backup. Keep in mind that it does not reverse the affects of the latest OTA that prevent you from rooting the phone. If someone did the OTA recently, restoring a nandroid backup won't undo that.

Edit - I fixed my post. Winmonewbie told me he didn't think the radio restored. I justed tested it by restoring an old rom and it did not affect the radio. Thanks winmo.
- RX8 -
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[TUTORIALS] EVO Full Root|OTA Root|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing|for n00b's + videos

Last edited by FastRX8; 07-02-2010 at 11:39 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 06:33 PM
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Re: Nandroid question

Originally Posted by FastRX8 View Post
Yes, it's a complete copy of what you have on your phone now.

Example -
You have a stock sprint rom, not rooted, Radio 1.32.651.1, every sound customized, 4 email accounts, 10 apps you installed, and some crazy wallpaper w/ a fat purple cat.
So you make a nandroid backup.

Then you decide to full-root your phone and install OMJ's latest rom 1.6r which has the new OTA included and the latest Radio

Then, you decide you don't like it, so you do a nandroid restore.
You will be back at a stock sprint rom, not rooted, Radio 1.32.651.1, every sound customized, 4 email accounts, 10 apps you installed, and some crazy wallpaper w/ a fat purple cat.

Basically, it will revert back to whatever was on the backup. Keep in mind that it does not reverse the affects of the latest OTA that prevent you from rooting the phone. If someone did the OTA recently, restoring a nandroid backup won't undo that.
In response to your last paragraph, that is cause Nandroid requires root access correct? And the latest Sprint update disables from booting into Nandroid. That's Eek the cat btw!! He's hilarious!! Miss the good ole saturday morning cartoons. Thanks for you response. I'm on OMJ 1.4 and curious about trying a ROM with the latest sprint updates but very scared with all the issues I see people having. Knowing I can restore my ROM to the way I have it now makes me feel a little braver.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 06:45 PM
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Re: Nandroid question

Originally Posted by ace741 View Post
In response to your last paragraph, that is cause Nandroid requires root access correct? And the latest Sprint update disables from booting into Nandroid. That's Eek the cat btw!! He's hilarious!! Miss the good ole saturday morning cartoons. Thanks for you response. I'm on OMJ 1.4 and curious about trying a ROM with the latest sprint updates but very scared with all the issues I see people having. Knowing I can restore my ROM to the way I have it now makes me feel a little braver.
To clarify, I'm pretty new to all the stuff, and I don't know all the correct lingo.
When you rooted your phone with part 1, you changed an img file. I think it's the "hboot_0.79.0000.img" or the "boot.img" file but I'm not sure. Anyways, that is what allowed you to have root access. Then if you did the Full-Root you also changed the recovery.img. If you're rooted and you have the correct recovery.img, you have total control.

The OTA re-writes the files you changed in part 1 of rooting. So, you can no longer change part 1 and therefore can't get to part 2.
If you do the OTA, I don't know if you can do a Nandroid restore. I would assume "No." However, even if you did do a Nandroid restore, the files needed to have root access wouldn't be changed. You'd be stuck w/ whatever version of those files the OTA gave you.

Hope that's clear as mud.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 07:00 PM
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Re: Nandroid question

thats not fully tru, I have the lastest Damage Control with OTA and I can still get into nand access backup and restore
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 07:55 PM
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Re: Nandroid question

Originally Posted by Ticklemepinks View Post
thats not fully tru, I have the lastest Damage Control with OTA and I can still get into nand access backup and restore
I should have been more specific.
OTA is Over The Air Update. You didn't do the OTA. You got a custom rom that includes the files from the OTA.

Personally, I think we should refer to the actual update from Sprint as the OTA and the update you can do yourself either through a custom rom or just flashing the incremental update as the 1.47.651.1 (or 147 for short) so we could eliminate confusion.

OTA = You got screwed by Sprint. Hope you got a dinner out of it and ordered the lobster.
147 = You did some research, have the same benefits as OTA and you're still in control of your phone.

If someone has full-root, they can install a custom rom w/ 147 and it's fine.
The problem only happens if they accept the OTA pushed to their phone from Sprint.

Let me make one thing very clear in this post in case anyone decides to skim through this thread w/o reading everything...
Whatever anyone chooses to call it, if you accept the update sent to your phone from Sprint, make no mistake, you WILL LOSE ROOT ACCESS and currently there is no fix. Please stop PM'ing me for help after you did the OTA and stop sending me messages on my youtube videos asking for the same help. /rant
Sorry, had to get that out. Because I made the video/thread about rooting some people think I can fix them now.
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