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Old 07-01-2010, 07:55 PM
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Re: Nandroid question

Originally Posted by Ticklemepinks View Post
thats not fully tru, I have the lastest Damage Control with OTA and I can still get into nand access backup and restore
I should have been more specific.
OTA is Over The Air Update. You didn't do the OTA. You got a custom rom that includes the files from the OTA.

Personally, I think we should refer to the actual update from Sprint as the OTA and the update you can do yourself either through a custom rom or just flashing the incremental update as the 1.47.651.1 (or 147 for short) so we could eliminate confusion.

OTA = You got screwed by Sprint. Hope you got a dinner out of it and ordered the lobster.
147 = You did some research, have the same benefits as OTA and you're still in control of your phone.

If someone has full-root, they can install a custom rom w/ 147 and it's fine.
The problem only happens if they accept the OTA pushed to their phone from Sprint.

Let me make one thing very clear in this post in case anyone decides to skim through this thread w/o reading everything...
Whatever anyone chooses to call it, if you accept the update sent to your phone from Sprint, make no mistake, you WILL LOSE ROOT ACCESS and currently there is no fix. Please stop PM'ing me for help after you did the OTA and stop sending me messages on my youtube videos asking for the same help. /rant
Sorry, had to get that out. Because I made the video/thread about rooting some people think I can fix them now.
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