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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 12:33 PM
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Re: freaking out need help!!!!

... Wow... (this is my useless post of the day)

OP... you should be able to get your phone back... First I would try to flash the rooted Evo stock ROM just to get your phone back. Then find a custom Evo ROM and try flashing again.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 12:38 PM
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Re: freaking out need help!!!!

And if you get back up and running, get a ROM from here or XDA under EVO only!
"I remember, way back in the day, this site was hoppin' with members, posts, and some great development."
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 12:59 PM
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Re: freaking out need help!!!!

I don't think you're stuck if you completed Part 1 & 2 from my tutorial.

You just need to redo some steps.
From "Section 2 Version 1 - No PC Needed"

2L) Power-off your phone by holding the power-button for several seconds. The top choice is "Power Off."

2M) While holding "Volume DOWN", push the "Power" button so the phone turns on. You don't need to hold the "Power" button, but you do need to hold the "Volume DOWN" button. This will bring you straight to the bootloader screen which says

Just wait for a minute. It will read your storage card. It won't find the PC36IMG.zip file because it was renamed. When it's done searching, use "Volume DOWN" to highlight "Recovery" and "Power" button to select it.

The phone will reboot into Recovery Mode.

2N) From the list, use "Volume DOWN" to highlight "Wipe" and "Power" button to select it.

2O) In the Wipe menu you're going to use the "Volume DOWN" to highlight "Wipe data/factory reset" and "Power" button to select it, then "Power" button again to confirm. Once it's done, repeat this step so you "Wipe data/factory reset" twice.

2P) Use the "Volume DOWN" to highlight "Wipe Dalvik-cache" and "Power" button to select it, then "Power" button again to confirm. Once it's done, repeat this step so you "Wipe Dalvik-cache" twice.

Now push "Power" button to return to the previous menu.
Now you have 2 choices, if you created a Nandroid backup, you're going to restore your backup.
If you did not create a backup, you're going to flash a new rom.

...I'm still going to give you more info, but this will get you started. Let me know where you're at after trying these steps.
- RX8 -
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[TUTORIALS] EVO Full Root|OTA Root|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing|for n00b's + videos
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