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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2010, 09:41 PM
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Re: Simple Root

Originally Posted by FastRX8 View Post
OK, I just realized what you guys were talking about regarding "broken/missing" apps.

If you root, whether it's full-root or just Root Part 1, and don't install a rooted rom, you will have issues.
I'm willing to bet that when you guys tried rooting and didn't see apps in the marketplace, you were still on the same rom.
There is a rooted version of the Sprint rom that can be used if you're not interested in using a custom rom, or if you're happy w/ the stock rom.
Basically, rooting the phone w/o flashing a rooted rom (even if you just flash the rooted Sprint rom) will break the Marketplace.

Mystery solved.
Well I will have to try to root again. I installed the OTA and rooting for now doesn't work. After this is resolved I will root and check out the marketplace again. So RX-8 which thread did you get the img file? I want the same as what you got, because the one I used before didn't work.
Hit THANKS if I helped or made ya laugh!

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2010, 10:55 PM
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Re: Simple Root

As far as I understand, currently there is NO method that will root your phone if you had an unrooted phone (or an unrevoked phone) before the OTA and then applied the OTA. Is this accurate? I can't get the simpleroot or unrevoked to work now that I've updated.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 01:54 AM
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Re: Simple Root

Thank you guys so much for all the information. I told my buddy if I was him i would to the update from rx8 because thats the one I did and it was super easy and if you go step by step you can't mess it up. I also told him about the simple root from what I have read and can tell it seems to be able to do everything but I believe some people on here said it cannot do the nand backup so having a backup is always important. But I'll let him decided and he can take it from there. Thanks again for the info.

Off topic but I have 3 questions that I can't find a way around and maybe I'm not looking in the right direction.

I was wondering is there anyway possible to keep voicemail longer then 5 days if I get a voicemail and want to save it it says the voice mail will be saved for 5 days. Is there anyway to extend the 5 day limit like for 30 days or permenant theres some situations where you want to keep the message and be able to reference back a call.

Is there a way to have several folders show under the mail program for instance I have yahoo mail currently I have about 22 folders under my inbox is there a way to sync those. Also for my business email it is under gmail and I have about 40 folders all from different clients and some dating back several years sometimes I need to be able to access that information on the fly and I actually have to log in to the website from my web browser to pull up the info is there a better program out there then the HTC one on the market place that somebody could recommend me or if theres is something I'm not doing right.

I'm currently have issues with 2 different bluetooth headsets. The first bluetooth hand pieace I was using was the plantronic voyager pro which is an awesome headset besides lacking the a2dp profile the problem I was having. It would constantly keep telling me bluetooth disconnected then bluetooth connected and it would do it a few times a day. So I took it back and got the motorola H17 installed the motospeak and I still have the bluetooth disconnect bluetooth connected message but it only happens maybe once or twice a week. The thing that kills me with this one and I'm not sure if its the phone or headset is. When I get a call coming in it doesn't announce it right away sometimes takes 2-3 rings before it announces it sometimes it doesn't even annnounce it anybody else having issue with bluetooth I scanned the forums but didn't see any issues relating to the issue I'm having.

Thank you
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 04:38 AM
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Re: Simple Root

simple rooooot is the shit! this was super easy to do.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 05:14 AM
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Re: Simple Root

I used it, and watched the videos as I was doing it. I was nervous, but it worked, and then I flashed Damage Control 3.2.3. Everything went well. I had a lot of help from a fellow user in this thread.

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