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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 12:03 AM
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too much criticism!

why is almost everyone talking smack about the evo? this is by far the best phone out and it works very well with many things, but those few little problems make it seem like the phone sucks. just be happy with what u got, and if u dont like it, take it back. stop making 1000s of threads about the same freaking problem.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 12:06 AM
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Re: too much criticism!

Because, that's what people do. Especially the "can't ever be pleased" type. They want the phone, talk about it non-stop--then when they get it, bitch about something. Ignore the threads.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 12:16 AM
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Re: too much criticism!

If this phone could make a sammich and had just one more port, my wife would be in for competition...I guess some people had a little disappointment (I'm not terribly pleased about the glass/lead issue, but it is very minor and I can make HTC or Sprint fix it), or just like the drama...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 12:27 AM
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Re: too much criticism!

This phone does have a few quirks, but the whole time I had my diamond, I was constantly flashing new roms, and even making my own in the diamond kitchen. While that phone had come leaps and bounds from the stock pos that sprint shipped out, it couldn't even touch what we have today.

I was reminded of this today when I went to stream pandora. Guess what? It worked perfectly, and didn't feel like my leg was on fire. So all those that want to piss and moan about the minor imperfections, feel free to cry your little hearts out. I for one am as happy with the evo today, as the day I picked it up.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 12:27 AM
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Re: too much criticism!

It's like that with every phone, every time. 1000's threads complaining about it, then one day a pro-iphone thread pops up and you see everyone defend it!

Just because you like a phone doesn't mean you have to accept what's there. If my phone has glass coming off or screen lag I'd be angry too. Doesn't have to mean I now have to hate the other 100 things that work well
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 12:35 AM
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Re: too much criticism!

I have to agree with OP...and here's my 2 cents:

I had 3 WinMo devices...Mogul, TouchPro, and TouchPro2. I lived with the limitations...and enjoyed the flexibility. Thank goodness for PPCGeekers!!! Done cooked my own ROMs...but when I moved to Android and the EVO...I was ready.

The screen lifting (I have a very slight case)...the battery life is sad...but I'll deal. Honestly...most of us remember the pains HTC put us thru with those phones I mentioned above.

I love my EVO...I enjoy the reactions I get when I pull the monster out of my pocket...I enjoy doing a quick demo to show that it definitely NOT an iPhone!

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 12:38 AM
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Re: too much criticism!

You have to understand...the more people that have the device..the more ppl will find/experience issues...

It is always like this, right now everyone is in "exploration mode" finding out what their device is capable of. This is not a bad sign, it is actually a good sign showing how important of a device it is...and the more ppl report these problems, the more will try to find solutions.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 12:39 AM
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Re: too much criticism!

Originally Posted by AS329 View Post
If this phone could make a sammich and had just one more port, my wife would be in for competition...I guess some people had a little disappointment (I'm not terribly pleased about the glass/lead issue, but it is very minor and I can make HTC or Sprint fix it), or just like the drama...
hey you dont need the evo to cook for you i just use my Touch pro i play a youtube vid and flip it upside throw 2 slices of bread with cheese and in 10 minutes i got me a grill cheese, matter fact iama go do that now
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Originally Posted by KarlE View Post
when i show my EVO to iphone users they go wow loook at the big screen
then i go watch this..
i can hold my phone anyway a want and calls dont drop..
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 12:42 AM
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Re: too much criticism!

Originally Posted by amw1972 View Post
I have to agree with OP...and here's my 2 cents:

I had 3 WinMo devices...Mogul, TouchPro, and TouchPro2. I lived with the limitations...and enjoyed the flexibility. Thank goodness for PPCGeekers!!! Done cooked my own ROMs...but when I moved to Android and the EVO...I was ready.

The screen lifting (I have a very slight case)...the battery life is sad...but I'll deal. Honestly...most of us remember the pains HTC put us thru with those phones I mentioned above.

I love my EVO...I enjoy the reactions I get when I pull the monster out of my pocket...I enjoy doing a quick demo to show that it definitely NOT an iPhone!
people always ask me "Gasp Is that the Iphone 4? it looks amazing" then i go "why no my good sir its the HTC Evo 4G"
then they ask me about the spec's and by the time im done there like "OOoooooo "
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 12:54 AM
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Re: too much criticism!

I absolutely love this phone. Of course, I'm coming from winmo, which is like getting out of a long-term abusive relationship. Makes me appreciate the simple things such as no more freezing, soft resets, etc. I have not been affected by most of the other problems people are talking about.

As a bonus, I caught two nurses at the hospital today, who were saying how cool the front and rear facing cameras on the new iphone4 will be. So naturally, I pulled out my phone to show them that feature on my non-iphone and to highlight the greater resolution of both the EVO's cameras compared to the iphone. They weren't so excited after that.
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