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View Poll Results: Do you agree?
Hell Yes 1 1.82%
Would be nice 3 5.45%
See your point 2 3.64%
Never Had call recoding don't know what I'm missing 2 3.64%
I'm an Idiot who thinks call recording is illegal 3 5.45%
No, I could care less. 45 81.82%
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 02:44 PM
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Re: Sick of this BS

Originally Posted by hoothrewpoo View Post
it's actuallt not US law, but rather State law. Several states (including mine) allow the recording of a two party conversation as long as one party knows the call is being recorded. No statement of doing so is required to notify the second party. It is illegal however to record a two party telephone conversation if neither party knows.

I'm a fan of call recording, especially when dealing with Sprint, or clients that are prone to mis-remember conversations... which my Touch Pro 2 did flawlessly. Last I checked, the TP2 was newer than the Palm 755.
Yup that's why I need it, I authorize jobs which have great amounts of detail for tens of thousands of dollars and in AZ a verbal contract is a binding contract, not to mention all the other advantages. Your right TP2's registry can be hacked allowing for call recording but seriously I don't have time for all those games these phones are capable of it and other countries have it enabled. There's no reason the states can't handle it. Plus I hate Windows Mobile but that's another story.
  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 02:47 PM
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Re: Sick of this BS

POll edited.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 02:51 PM
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Re: Sick of this BS

Originally Posted by Donatom3 View Post
12 of the 50 states are two party required. That's almost 25% of the states. I'm sure many manufacturers don't want to touch this for this reason. Also considering one of those states is California, alot of manufacturers probably don't want to touch this.

EDIT: While I see the validity for your need, I do not appreciate the way you assume that those of us who do not need this are idiots, or that we don't know the law. Also I don't see why downranking an entire phone for one small issue is a good idea. That would be like taking a baseball teams win away because they got all their runs from in field hits and didn't hit one home run all game.
K so 25% (if your facts are correct) are two party states so it's not illegal. Make the app but have a required message at the beginning like we all hear “this phone call may be recorded” done problem solved everyone’s happy.

Poll has been updated to reflect those who could care less about this issue, Thanks Admin.
  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 02:55 PM
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Re: Sick of this BS

First off, I didn't say it was federal law. I stated it was illegal in the U.S. (which I didn't say that it was state bound....sorry). But my statement said....that you have to have consent from the other party to record. Without that consent, it can't be used in any court of law.
Just Brilliant, Quietly....
  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 02:57 PM
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Re: Sick of this BS

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
First off, I didn't say it was federal law. I stated it was illegal in the U.S. (which I didn't say that it was state bound....sorry). But my statement said....that you have to have consent from the other party to record. Without that consent, it can't be used in any court of law.
K again simple disclaimer at the start of the call. Done no more legal issues, and for 75% of the calls that is overkill.
  #16 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 02:59 PM
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Re: Sick of this BS

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
First off, it's not the EVO's, Sprints, HTC's, etc. fault that it can't record phone calls. That would fall under the developer or software makers. Second, it is illegal to record both sides of a conversation in the U.S. without permission of the other party to do so. So most developers code just to record YOUR side of the conversation. Third, blasting the EVO because of this is childish at best when it's clearly not thier fault.

While i agree with most of what you are saying, its actually not illegal to record phone calls as long as one party knows it is being done. That was put into part of the patriot act.
  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 03:00 PM
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Re: Sick of this BS

Well, it's all fine and dandy that this issue is a big deal for you. Maybe the EVO is not for you. But bashing the EVO and people who could careless about it is not the way to go.
  #18 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 03:03 PM
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Re: Sick of this BS

Originally Posted by pinkbunniz View Post
While i agree with most of what you are saying, its actually not illegal to record phone calls as long as one party knows it is being done. That was put into part of the patriot act.
Thank you and again, Simple disclaimer and problem solved. Not looking to screw anyone, trap anyone, or become a secret agent, just need to record my phone calls. What's worse the chinese version of the phone can do it. They aren't even allowed to view the whole internet!
  #19 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 03:04 PM
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Re: Sick of this BS

Originally Posted by pinkbunniz View Post
While i agree with most of what you are saying, its actually not illegal to record phone calls as long as one party knows it is being done. That was put into part of the patriot act.
Did you or anyone not read my post correctly? It states that you have to have permission from the other party. So to record the call without that consent is illegal...(in some states)....

Last edited by gator352; 06-14-2010 at 03:07 PM.
  #20 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 03:06 PM
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Re: Sick of this BS

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
Did you or anyone not read my post correctly? It states that you have to have consent from the other party. So to record the call without that consent is illegal.
No, most states do allow you to record the call without both parties consent. Now for that phone call to be admissable as evidence in court may require consent by both parties, but recording with only one party consent is legal in about 75% of the states. In some states the one party can be considered the owner of the phone line and not even the person who is using that phone.
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