Originally Posted by hoothrewpoo
it's actuallt not US law, but rather State law. Several states (including mine) allow the recording of a two party conversation as long as one party knows the call is being recorded. No statement of doing so is required to notify the second party. It is illegal however to record a two party telephone conversation if neither party knows.
I'm a fan of call recording, especially when dealing with Sprint, or clients that are prone to mis-remember conversations... which my Touch Pro 2 did flawlessly. Last I checked, the TP2 was newer than the Palm 755.
Yup that's why I need it, I authorize jobs which have great amounts of detail for tens of thousands of dollars and in AZ a verbal contract is a binding contract, not to mention all the other advantages. Your right TP2's registry can be hacked allowing for call recording but seriously I don't have time for all those games

these phones are capable of it and other countries have it enabled. There's no reason the states can't handle it.

Plus I hate Windows Mobile but that's another story.