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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 03:31 PM
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Re: Has anyone tested the Sedio 1750 mAh Battery?

There have been mixed reviews. Here are a couple things to consider when reading past negative reviews, especially on this site.

1) people tend to expect more from the seidio batteries than they should. They're extended batteries, but they aren't the gigantic ones that produce ridiculous life and I think people forget to keep realistic expectations.

2) many people who trash seidio only had experience with either the mogul or touch pro batteries. This is important to consider because the mogul has a 1500mah battery and its seidio extended battery is 1640mah, so that's a change of +140mah. The touch pro battery is 1340mah and the seidio battery for it is 1500mah, so that's a change of 160mah. The EVO's battery, on the otherhand, is 1500mah and its seidio battery is 1750, so that's a change of +250.

So i'd hold little stock in what people say about seidio if they haven't tried a battery that has a gain of 250mah. And like i said before, people expect something more than they should out of these things, so if they don't experience 5 hours of extra life, they complain. I've heard people trash seidio, then they go and recommend an ebay battery from china that costs 5 bucks lol.

Whether people want to admit it or not, Seidio is a reputable company. Everyone knows their name in the smartphone world. Isn't best buy even rebranding some of their products?

What we need is for people to test both batteries, not with real world use, but with battery drain tests (like continuous music/video playback with radios off). That's the only way we'll know if there's a true gain in battery life and how many hours we can expect. Unfortunately this takes time and i don't think anyone has attempted such tests. Any takers?
Mogul->Diamond->TouchPro->Pro2->EVO 4G-> Q(';')-O
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 03:39 PM
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Re: Has anyone tested the Sedio 1750 mAh Battery?

Originally Posted by Success100 View Post
thats a matter of personal opinion, seidio batteries are HIGHLY recommended by alot of users here
Those "recommendations" are based on anecdotal usage while the BatteryBoss guy actually did comparisons and tests. But, yes, you're wrong.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 06:26 PM
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Re: Has anyone tested the Sedio 1750 mAh Battery?

Originally Posted by sanjsrik View Post
Those "recommendations" are based on anecdotal usage while the BatteryBoss guy actually did comparisons and tests. But, yes, you're wrong.
Whatever. I'd take ANY internet reviews on anything with a grain of salt. You never know how the tests might be skewed one way or another, not set up properly, not include a complete sample set to account for any and all variations, etc. What really matters to me when considering a product like this is what real people with real devices in real world situations have to say about it.

Some of the best advice I ever got was from an old friend a few years ago. She told me "Believe nothing that you hear, and half of what you see." What that means is the only thing you can put your complete trust in is your own personal experience, and the experience of people you know and trust.

I don't put much stock in what some random guy with some website on the internet has to say about anything. I'll consider it, but it won't sway my decision one way or another without taking into account other factors, such as real world experience.

people tend to expect more from the seidio batteries than they should. They're extended batteries, but they aren't the gigantic ones that produce ridiculous life and I think people forget to keep realistic expectations
I agree with this. The Seidio extended battery is approximately 15% larger than the OEM battery, so if you expect any more than about a 15% increase in battery life you're already setting yourself up for disappointment. I realize the two aren't directly related, but it's close. A slightly larger battery isn't going to give you a week of heavy usage, drive your kids to school and cook you dinner. For a lot of people that 15% extra will be just enough to get them through the day. For the rest of you, wait for the larger battery, and deal with a thicker handset. You can't always have your cake and eat it too.

One more thing to consider when reading reviews of any product is that people are FAR more likely to comment on a product if they have a problem with it or are not satisfied than if it works as expected. I bet if EVERYBODY who ever bought one of those batteries submitted a review online, you would see a huge increase of positive reviews compared to negative reviews.

Last edited by TheHoard; 06-10-2010 at 06:31 PM.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 07:02 PM
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Re: Has anyone tested the Sedio 1750 mAh Battery?

i have been using seidio batteries for years and time after time after time they have performed beyond my expectations. i could care less what any reviewer says , be it positive or negative. lab environments are not real world environments.. they should, at best, be used as a guideline and not the golden rule. each individual users usage will outweigh anything on the internet.

again, i have had nothing but success with the extended seidio batteries. i will go to bat for them in a minute based on MY OWN REAL WORLD USAGE over many years and across many different handsets.

if you show me a negative review ill turn around and show you a positive one..

you guys can have the last word...
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 07:23 PM
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Re: Has anyone tested the Sedio 1750 mAh Battery?

I just got the 1750mAh Seidio battery and it says its a Li-polymer. My touch pro and pro2 batteries said that they were just Li-ion? I know that technically Li-po can be called Lithium Ion Polymer, but i was wondering if they were all the same(Li-po?) or if this new one was actually different? thanks.
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