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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 01:28 PM
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A few questions/annoyances


first off, i'm coming from a long time winmo user and this is my first android device. i love this device but i have a few questions/complaints.

1. In my contacts under "people" it only shows the names and numbers of the people i entered (which is what i want). however if go to create a new text message and start typing a name. it auto-populates contacts from my facebook and everyone i ever emailed in my gmail account. how do i get rid of that?? i went to settings->sync and made sure sync contacts is disabled on both facebook and gmail.

2. why do programs i never use run in the background? how do i make it stop? i have advanced task killer and every few hours i go look and i have a long list of programs running. like qik (which i never launched), sprint navigation, foot prints etc. i go kill all task, a few hours later, everything is back again!

3. is it possible to remove/add home screens. i mainly just want to remove the sprint music page. and perhaps maybe add other home screens later on.

4. is it possible to organize all my apps? right now when i go into the apps menu, every single app is just listed there without any kind of organization other than by alphabetical order. can i create folders and put all games in there, certain apps in one folder and other apps in another folder? the current list is big enough already, when i install more apps later on, its gonna be even more cluttered.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 01:46 PM
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Re: A few questions/annoyances

Originally Posted by xunknownx View Post

first off, i'm coming from a long time winmo user and this is my first android device. i love this device but i have a few questions/complaints.

1. In my contacts under "people" it only shows the names and numbers of the people i entered (which is what i want). however if go to create a new text message and start typing a name. it auto-populates contacts from my facebook and everyone i ever emailed in my gmail account. how do i get rid of that?? i went to settings->sync and made sure sync contacts is disabled on both facebook and gmail.

2. why do programs i never use run in the background? how do i make it stop? i have advanced task killer and every few hours i go look and i have a long list of programs running. like qik (which i never launched), sprint navigation, foot prints etc. i go kill all task, a few hours later, everything is back again!

3. is it possible to remove/add home screens. i mainly just want to remove the sprint music page. and perhaps maybe add other home screens later on.

4. is it possible to organize all my apps? right now when i go into the apps menu, every single app is just listed there without any kind of organization other than by alphabetical order. can i create folders and put all games in there, certain apps in one folder and other apps in another folder? the current list is big enough already, when i install more apps later on, its gonna be even more cluttered.
I have a Droid running 2.1 so I will try to help since the OS is pretty much the same.

1.) I have no idea as I have never had this issue. Maybe they sync'd before you disable syncing with FB and email.
2.) Android is much different than WM in this area. It manages apps as it sees fit. You can download ATK(Advanced Task Killer) to kill them, but many of them will come right back. It has been proven that there is no advantage or benefit from killing apps/tasks. It actually is a step in the other direction because it takes the time and energy to start them back up on its own.
3.) This is EVO specific, so I can't help you there.
4.)Download "App Organizer". You can then manage your apps and organize them into foldersand subfolders. You can make groups as well. You can also past the folders on your homescreens to reduce clutter from individual apps.

Hope this helps some.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 01:57 PM
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Re: A few questions/annoyances

for #1 try this:

people>menu button>view> unselect FB for htc sense

as far as google, i think its going to sync your google contacts unless you turned that off settings>accts and sync>google>google contacts
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 02:05 PM
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Re: A few questions/annoyances

Originally Posted by tool2269 View Post
for #1 try this:

people>menu button>view> unselect FB for htc sense

as far as google, i think its going to sync your google contacts unless you turned that off settings>accts and sync>google>google contacts
its fine when its under "people". the problem is if i try to enter/search for someones name, it will populate names from my facebook and gmail.

i went into settings>accts and sync>google>google contacts and disable sync for both google and facebook and it doesnt help.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 02:08 PM
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Re: A few questions/annoyances

If you don't want the music page, just tap and hold on the widgets and move it down to remove. Or hit menu, scenes, then htc. I used that and customized it to my liking. You can tap and hold on anything and remove it or move it around. You can hit the plus sign and add whatever you want: widgets, apps, shortcuts, etc. Play around with it and you'll get the hang of it like I did.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 02:13 PM
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Re: A few questions/annoyances

Originally Posted by xunknownx View Post
its fine when its under "people". the problem is if i try to enter/search for someones name, it will populate names from my facebook and gmail.

i went into settings>accts and sync>google>google contacts and disable sync for both google and facebook and it doesnt help.
wow, i just tried sending a text and sure enough, everyone thats has a email address showed up.
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Old 06-09-2010, 02:19 PM
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Re: A few questions/annoyances

Originally Posted by xunknownx View Post

3. is it possible to remove/add home screens. i mainly just want to remove the sprint music page. and perhaps maybe add other home screens later on.
The Sprint Music, which I assume you are referring to the first screen on the right is an HTC widget, tap hold it and trash can (remove) it.. As well as anything on any of your home screens.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 03:22 PM
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Re: A few questions/annoyances

ok thanks everyone for their responses. if only we can get #1 fixed. apparently im not the only one with this issue.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 11:11 AM
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Re: A few questions/annoyances

I had the same issue with #1. I just turned off the FB sync. As for the Google emails, I went to my gmail account, then to contacts, then clicked every email and contact I did not want and then deleted them. Finally I set up a new gmail account to sync my contacts with, but this account is never used. Hope that helps.

Now I need help with two things. I hate when I send a text, I have to hit the keyboard down button then send, is there anyway to send a text with only one button push?

Also is there a way to have the speaker phone come on when the phone is placed face down and then turn off when picked back up like on the TP2

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 11:23 AM
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Re: A few questions/annoyances

If you only want the contacts you uploaded to People to show up, go into the People app, hit menu, and then View. I have 4 options:

Google () - Checked
show auto Gmail contacts - Unchecked
Phone () - Checked
Facebook for HTC Sense - Unchecked.

Remove the check from Google and Facebook for HTC Sense, and now only your people you synced via Outlook will show.
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