Originally Posted by glidersgalore
I had the same issue with #1. I just turned off the FB sync. As for the Google emails, I went to my gmail account, then to contacts, then clicked every email and contact I did not want and then deleted them. Finally I set up a new gmail account to sync my contacts with, but this account is never used. Hope that helps.
Now I need help with two things. I hate when I send a text, I have to hit the keyboard down button then send, is there anyway to send a text with only one button push?
Also is there a way to have the speaker phone come on when the phone is placed face down and then turn off when picked back up like on the TP2
thanks! i'll probably set up a new gmail account but for fb, it only seems to work if i remove my fb account from my phone
i thought having to hit the keyboard button to go down everytime is kinda annoying too.